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Software Development Outsourcing Services

We have tailored offerings for companies with different needs.

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Explore how we set up effective project management and cooperation with IT managers in enterprise software development projects.



See how we can help you ideate, co-create, and launch your product. Check the development practices we follow to drive our clients' success and request a custom cost estimate.

IT Outsourcing Market Thrives

Software development outsourcing means trusting some or all development processes to a third-party vendor while staying in control of the project at large. With 35 years in IT, ScienceSoft helps companies from 30+ industries bridge the in-house IT resource gap and quickly obtain the needed software.

  • $98 billion

    forecasted growth of IT outsourcing market size during 2020-2024

  • ~5%

    expected CAGR of IT outsourcing market by 2024

Our Outsourcing Models and Costs

Our experienced talents with all the required skills join your in-house team to work on the project under your direct management.

Key benefit: Promptly filling in the skill and resource gaps in your team will speed up the project progress.

ScienceSoft’s team covers a part of your project (e.g., back-end development, QA) and provides regular progress reports. You determine the level of your managerial involvement.

Key benefit: You expand your software development capabilities and minimize management efforts.

Full process outsourcing

We set up the development process from scratch and take full responsibility for the project risks: from timelines and budget to the final software quality.

Key benefit: Reduced project costs, streamlined development, and released time to focus on core business activities.

To get a clear view of each outsourcing approach specifics, check out the detailed outsourcing models comparison table prepared by ScienceSoft’s consultants.

What Outsourcing Model Should I Choose?

Answer a few simple questions and find out what outsourcing model best fits for your case.


Tell us more about your needs

Please answer at least one question to help us better understand your business objectives.


You can go with team augmentation

Looks like temporary team extension with the required skills is the most feasible option to meet your development needs. Turn to ScienceSoft if you want to quickly ramp up your team with all necessary competencies – we’ll send CVs of our best talents in 24H.

Talk to us

A dedicated team is your best fit

Looks like a dedicated team of domain-specific experts is the most feasible option to meet your development needs. Turn to ScienceSoft for a professional team with all necessary competencies to partially outsource your project – we are ready to start in just 1–2 weeks.

Talk to us

A dedicated team is your best fit

Looks like a dedicated team of domain-specific experts is the most feasible option to meet your development needs. Turn to ScienceSoft for a professional team with all necessary competencies to partially outsource your project – we are ready to start in just 1–2 weeks.

Talk to us

You definitely should consider full outsourcing

Looks like complete project outsourcing is the most feasible option to meet your development needs. Turn to ScienceSoft for a fully managed team of professionals with all necessary competencies to develop your solution end to end – we are ready to start in just 1–2 weeks.

Talk to us

ScienceSoft's Head of PMO with 20+ years of experience

To choose the right outsourcing model, we recommend to assess the current in-house team composition and key project priorities. For example, if you lack expertise in a particular field, we can offer you a dedicated team to take over a part of a large project. If you need just a few specific talents, we can augment your team with our top-flight experts.

Full software engineering outsourcing helps out customers that have little or no experience in similar projects or those who are overloaded with other projects in the pipeline.

The following are key cost factors that influence the total cost of software development outsourcing:

Hourly rate for outsourced talents. Depending on the outsourcing region, average rates vary greatly.

An outsourced team’s performance.

The length and specifics of transition to another outsourcing vendor (if needed).

Get Timelines and Cost Estimates for Your Project

ScienceSoft’s experts can help you accurately plan your development project by calculating the budget and timeframes required to complete it.

Success Stories by ScienceSoft

Join Our Happy Clients

ScienceSoft proved to be a professional service provider from the outset. We appreciate their proactive approach and ability to suggest improvements to a prospective solution on both architectural and business levels. We know we can always rely on ScienceSoft’s various competencies when our clients require quality software which would facilitate their business success.

Star Star Star Star Star

With ScienceSoft, we've been able to reduce our development costs and decrease the timeline on new features and updates. ScienceSoft's attention to detail in how everything is documented and communicated is by far the best of any agency that I've worked with.

ScienceSoft is a professional and dedicated mobile app development company. Over the past 10 years we've worked on about ten mobile app development projects with them. Their developers performed really well and have rescued us when we were late on delivery. We would certainly recommend ScienceSoft as a highly skilled and reliable service provider.

Industries and Domains We Are Well-Versed In:

Industry competencies:

We develop industry-specific software for over 30 industries. Click the icons to see our projects in the particular industry you’re interested in.

Domain expertise:

Below you can find the most popular software types we deliver. Click the cards to explore the dedicated pages.

ScienceSoft's Practices to Ensure Software Development Success

In ScienceSoft’s projects, we guarantee software delivery on goal, time, and budget and care about the superior quality of solutions we create. You are welcome to explore the descriptions of our project management and development practices supported by samples from our real-life success stories.

Discover our scoping process from requirements engineering to feasibility assessment to scope change management. The page also describes scope creep controls during Agile development.

Learn how ScienceSoft’s resource allocation processes differ for various outsourcing models. The page outlines our practices to optimize the team structure and select the best candidates.

Learn the factors ScienceSoft’s teams consider to calculate development costs. The page features sample top-down and bottom-up estimates and overviews our cost optimization best practices.

Explore our ISO 27001-supported security management activities during the outsourced project. The page outlines the data and assets we protect and presents our security team.

Understand the quality controls behind our ISO 9001-certified management system and the procedures specific to each SDLC stage. The page also lists software quality and project health KPIs we use.

Check our practices to establish a value-driven collaboration process and get an idea of collaboration roles, models, and tools. You can also explore our knowledge management and sharing process.

Control framework

See sample software documents and reports we deliver across various SDLC stages. We also describe our change request management flow and steps to control and mitigate project risks.

Discover the perks of ScienceSoft’s approach to post-launch care and check what is usually covered and what is not covered by our software warranty (there's ample room for flexibility).

Want to Dive Deeper into Particular Aspects?

Feel free to request our specific process descriptions, customer references, and case studies, as well as ask our team for advice on your outsourcing case.

ScienceSoft USA Corporation Is a 3-Year Champion in the Financial Times Rating

Three years in a row (2022–2024), the Financial Times has included ScienceSoft USA Corporation in the list of 500 fastest-growing American companies. This is the result of our dedication to driving project success despite any constraints and disruptions.

Benefits of Outsourced vs. In-House Development

Software quality increase

By outsourcing to IT professionals experienced in your target industry, you gain easy access to their expertise and best practices, ensuring the timely delivery of high-quality software.

Reduced costs

Outsourcing an entire team of experts from a reliable vendor is significantly cheaper than hiring, onboarding, and training your in-house developers.

High scalability

You can quickly upscale and downscale an outsourced development team to meet your specific project needs and only pay for the resources you truly need.

The practice that powers most businesses

According to Deloitte, 70% of companies outsource software development for cost reduction.

Why Choose ScienceSoft as Your Outsourcing Partner

As an outsourcing partner, we proactively suggest improvements and drive each project to its goals despite the time and budget constraints. Our clients enjoy 1.5–2.5x faster delivery and up to 3x lower project costs compared to in-house development.

Around 4,000
success stories
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Around 4,000
success stories

You are welcome to check our selected success stories from different industry verticals.

IT experts
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IT experts

The pool of professionals that includes project managers, solution architects, developers, QA engineers, cybersecurity experts, data scientists, and compliance consultants.

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ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications to guarantee service quality and customer data security.

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ScienceSoft is US-headquartered and has offices in the US, UAE, KSA, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Finland.

Software Development Process with ScienceSoft

We can take over all or a part of software development processes in a chosen project or cater for every project within an IT project pipeline. With our outsourcing services, you start using internal resources more efficiently and access world-class technologies without hiring and training new employees. You can learn more about our development approaches and common project stages here.

The stages of our outsourcing service

1. Analysis of your initial request

We process your RFI or RFP and prepare a tailored proposal on our services.

2. Discovery: analysis of your software development needs and service planning

We estimate your project scope and the required resources for it, and prepare a development plan with time and budget estimation, and an outline of our approach to its successful delivery.

3. SLA negotiation

We prepare and negotiate a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with a suggested KPI system to measure efficiency of our cooperation. Afterwards, we sign a contract.

4. Knowledge and responsibility transfer

We study your requirements, existing code and coding rules, code repositories, infrastructure, test documentation, process descriptions, etc. We implement CI/CD pipeline, if required, or integrate into your existing processes and proceed with any necessary responsibility transfers.

5. Service delivery

The core stage that may include, depending on your needs:

  • Business analysis.
  • Architecture design.
  • UX/UI design.
  • Project management.
  • Programming.
  • Software testing.
  • Change and risk management.
  • Software integration.
  • Software deployment.
  • User training.

We provide weekly and/or monthly performance and progress reports.

6. Service evolution

We provide our recommendations on possible improvements in development and QA processes quarterly and further implement them.

Core Technologies We Use

We Eagerly Put in Use IT Innovations

Click the cards to find the detailed description of our capabilities with each technology.

Consider Professional Software Outsourcing Services

New application development

ScienceSoft’s experts will delve into your business needs, design a secure software architecture, create an engaging UX/UI, fully develop and test your software. We work in short iterations and deliver new app features every 2–6 weeks. Upon the successful launch, ScienceSoft is ready to stay with you for long-term software support and maintenance.

Outsource development

Evolution of existing software

With long-standing expertise in modernization of complex legacy apps and IT infrastructures, we’re ready to help you create a robust software evolution strategy. Reach out to ScienceSoft for cloud migration, digital transformation, implementation of advanced techs (big data, AI/ML, IoT, blockchain), or any other IT-related service.

Outsource evolution

Let Us Meet You Where You Are

Drop us a line, and our rep will get back to you shortly to discuss your software development needs.

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