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Cloud Application Development Services

Get Efficient Cloud Apps

In cloud computing since 2012, ScienceSoft builds new cloud apps and migrates the existing ones to the cloud quickly and reliably. We handle both corporate apps and software products, including SaaS.

Cloud Application Development - ScienceSoft
Cloud Application Development - ScienceSoft

Cloud app development implies building apps that run in the cloud and leverage cloud features and services offered by cloud vendors. ScienceSoft offers speedy project start and delivery of cloud implementations at the top of security, reliability, performance, and cost-efficiency.

Why Do Businesses Increasingly Opt for Cloud?

  • ~ 99.98%

    service availability

  • 10–40%

    operating costs savings

  • 3–4x

    faster launch of new features

  • 15–30%

    higher development and support staff productivity

  • 96%

    of businesses experience a significant upgrade in security

Why ScienceSoft

  • 12 years in cloud development, including SaaS development and building large distributed enterprise systems.
  • 150+ satisfied clients generously shared their experience of working with ScienceSoft.
  • In-house Cloud Center of Excellence.
  • Robust quality and security management, backed by ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates.
  • Compliance with HIPAA, FDA, GAMP, PCI DSS, GDPR, and more.
  • An official partner of Microsoft and AWS.
  • 11 years in DevOps.

What makes ScienceSoft different

We achieve project success no matter what

ScienceSoft does not pass off mere project administration for project management, which, unfortunately, often happens on the market. We practice real project management, achieving project success for our clients no matter what.

See how we do that

Our Cloud App Development and Migration Stories

The Scope of ScienceSoft’s Cloud Application Services

We can provide any single service or a mix of services from the list.

For a new cloud app implementation, we can elicit business needs, describe and prioritize functional and technical requirements, design architecture and UX/UI, estimate TCO and ROI, conduct a feasibility study and provide a project roadmap. For existing cloud apps, we can assess their quality and efficiency and suggest short-term and long-term improvements.

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Cloud app development

Whether you need a simple mobile app or a complex enterprise system, we have the skills and expertise to deliver the perfect solution for you. We cover every aspect of the app development process, from ideation and design to coding, testing, deployment, and user training.

If you want to test and validate functionality before full-scale implementation, we can start with PoCs, interactive prototypes, and MVPs.

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We move apps of any complexity from on-premises infrastructures to cloud-based ones — quickly, safely, and with minimal disruptions to business processes. Before the migration, we will choose the most optimal migration strategy (rehosting, replatforming, refactoring, etc.) and fitting cloud services, define the steps and timelines. After the migration, our team can set up monitoring tools to keep track of the app’s performance, response time, and load and handle its continuous support.

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We plan and build reliable, secure, easy-to-support and scale integrations between custom and commercial systems using cloud services. For legacy apps, we additionally plan and implement software modifications.

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Our cloud experts can help you plan and build a new top-performing SaaS product or rework your existing software solutions into a successful SaaS app. We cover all aspects, from idea productization, brand design, and UI/UX to development and testing. Our team works with advanced technologies — like AI/ML, AR/VR, and blockchain — to expand the scope of functions your SaaS can perform. Your sole ownership of the code is spelled out in the contract.

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We ensure that applications deployed in the cloud function properly and efficiently 24/7. For this, we provide continuous performance and security monitoring and optimization, regular upgrades and patches, regular backups and disaster recovery strategy updates.

We are also ready to support the users who encounter issues or have questions about using the application.

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We can encapsulate an application or an app component and its dependencies into a container, which can then be easily deployed and managed in a cloud environment. Containerization helps increase apps’ agility, improve performance and reliability, and reduce development and maintenance costs.

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We help design, configure, monitor, manage, and optimize every component of the infrastructure underlying cloud-based applications: servers, storage, networking, private and public integrations, etc.

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Whether you need to set up a secure cloud environment from scratch or enhance the security of your existing cloud assets, we ensure the solid protection of your cloud data, apps, and underlying infrastructure. Our services go beyond just identifying vulnerabilities in cloud security: we provide extensive guidance and remediation assistance.

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Cloud usage optimization

We help you maximize the efficiency of cloud resources and infrastructure. This involves continuous monitoring and cost analysis, identifying areas where cloud resources are being underutilized or overutilized, enabling autoscaling, optimizing data storage, and more.

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Handle Your Cloud Implementations with Experts

Share your vision, needs, challenges, anything — and our team will be quick to get back with ideas, expert recommendations, and actions to discuss.


Our Satisfied Customers

Owing to ScienceSoft’s experience in distributed modular systems, we cooperated with them on the evolution of our Azure-based product for accounts payable management.

The new software module performs stably even under heavy load, which helps provide high quality user experience for our customers.

ScienceSoft offers a high caliber of resources skilled in Microsoft Azure .NET, mobile and Quality Assurance.

Over the past three years, Lixar was very pleased with the service provided by ScienceSoft development teams and executive management.

ScienceSoft’s team undertook the development of our product from scratch and showed deep expertise in the .Net environment and AWS and Azure services. So far, we’ve been partnering with ScienceSoft for around 3 years, and we are satisfied with our cooperation and its results – it’s clear they’re fully invested in our project and collaboration.

Leo Burnett Worldwide: What Is Working with ScienceSoft Like

For 4 years, we have been trusted with software development and support projects, including those based on .NET and AWS cloud, from a renowned advertising agency Leo Burnett Worldwide. Sam Gooby, Head of Platform Production at Leo Burnett, reveals his first-hand experience on cooperation with our team.

Must-Have Attributes of Our Apps

Scalability and portability

We split an application into services/microservices and get them containerized to help you minimize downtimes caused by application overload or migration.


We use hierarchies of services, message queues, dynamic scaling, and automated recovery to eliminate the possibility of app failure escalation.


We leverage layered architectures, clear separation of concerns (SoC), standardized and well-documented APIs, etc., to make cloud apps easily adopt updates (e.g., conceptual changes, new features) and integrate with other applications.


We heavily invest in a mature information security system compliant with ISO 27001 and follow CIS, NIST, and OWASP requirements and recommendations. We also retain top security experts on board, build a secure development environment, ensure strict access control and strong encryption algorithms.


We have a vast set of tools and practices to reduce software development, maintenance, and hosting costs. Depending on your needs, they can include building reusable code, automating CI/CD and testing, using the right ready-to-use cloud services for storage, event processing, integration, data management and analytics.


Our in-house compliance consultants ensure that your app meets all the applicable requirements (HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, ZATCA, SAMA, and other global and local standards). For new apps, compliance becomes an integral step of the development plan. For the existing apps, our experts identify compliance gaps, develop a remediation plan, and implement the required changes.

How We Ensure Fast and Stable Cloud App Development

ScienceSoft brings mature development and project management practices and deep multi-domain expertise to steadily drive cloud app projects to their goals, address uncertainties agilely, and ensure the superior quality of cloud solutions our clients receive.

Check the proven benefits of our approach and follow the links to discover our success-driven practices in detail.

Predictable project budget

At ScienceSoft, we honestly tell the required investments and provide clear rationale behind the estimates to prove their fairness. We deliver free ballpark estimates before the cooperation start so that you can accurately plan expenses and reiterate estimates at later stages to enhance cost precision. Our teams control budget utilization and proactively suggest ways to optimize costs.

Quick tangible results

ScienceSoft’s rapid customer onboarding flow enables a cooperation start in 1–3 weeks. We rely on our established Agile culture to deliver iteratively and provide daily minor releases and major releases each 2–3 weeks.

Simplified code maintenance

We provide comprehensive coding documentation, optimize software architecture, use tried-and-tested development practices and tools defined by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), and have quality controls at each SDLC stage.

A high level of automation

Practicing DevOps for over a decade, we expertly automate code integration, testing, and monitoring to deploy as frequently as several times a day with a change failure rate of <5%.

Incorporated industry specifics

With hands-on experience in 30+ industries, our IT consultants and software developers are quick to deeply understand your challenges and needs, translate them into an accurate project scope, and create the optimal solutions to meet your business goals.

Experienced project managers and well-defined communication points

Our PMs arrange a high-performing development team, considering our talents’ domain expertise, seniority, experience with similar projects, and complementary skills. They professionally tackle risks, propel fast collaborative processing of change requests, and act as a single point of contact to ensure smooth communication between business and cross-functional distributed teams.

Self-managed cross-functional teams

Our teams can include a team lead, developers, DevOps engineers, testers, IT consultants, designers, and other roles. Regardless of the composition, our teams are trained to work independently, take full responsibility for the quality of deliverables, and consistently share knowledge with client stakeholders. Our team leads regularly report the fulfilled tasks to keep the client updated on project progress.

How Much Will Your Cloud App Project Cost?

For accurate cost estimation, ScienceSoft takes into account:

  • The number and complexity of app features.
  • The development method for app features (built with ready cloud services or coded from scratch).
  • The number of user roles.
  • The complexity of the application logic and workflows.
  • The number and complexity of integrations with other software systems.
  • UI design uniqueness and complexity (including the number and complexity of screens).
  • Government and industry regulations to comply with.
  • The cloud to host the app and cloud services employed, and more.

How ScienceSoft Helps Optimize Cloud App Costs

ScienceSoft’s consultants provide an efficient cloud resource utilization plan due to:






Pricing Options for Our Services

Fixed price

Best for: Feasibility study, PoC, small cloud projects with clear and stable requirements.

You pay the price established by a contract.

Time & Material, Time & Material with a cap

Best for: advisory activities (business analysis, architecture design, project planning, etc.), agile cloud app development and implementation, cloud app evolution (introducing substantial changes or adding new functionality).

You receive the end-of-the-month invoice based on the hours or efforts reported per month (under the stated upper limit in case of T&M with a cap).

Per-ticket pricing

Best for: L1, L2 cloud application support.

At the start of cooperation, we define the ticket cost, and you get charged based on the volume of incidents we resolve monthly.

Fixed monthly fee

Best for: L3 cloud application support (in-code defect fixes, functional changes).

At the start of cooperation, we define the hourly rate for cloud app support activities. After the service is delivered, you pay for a bunch of hours during which we’ve been providing support.

Cloud App Initiative Q&A by ScienceSoft

How can we avoid cloud vendor lock-in?

Ensure that your cloud application is designed without complex infrastructure dependencies to easily switch vendors of some cloud services if needed.

Another option is to create a cloud-agnostic cloud app, but it can tangibly increase the cost and duration of the development project.

How not to end up paying more for cloud than for local hosting?

Consider cloud-native architectures for your application. Companies usually experience 30-60% cost savings from what would normally be required for local hosting when the application is correctly adapted to the optimal cloud resource consumption at the architectural level. Note: Re-architecting of legacy applications to make them cloud-native is not always technically and economically feasible.

Your Cloud Implementation Right On the First Try!

ScienceSoft offers well-established agile development processes, latest software design patterns, and a high degree of automation to help with safe, swift and financially sound cloud application development.

Techs and Architecture Patterns We Work With

Not Sure What Cloud to Choose?

Just take five minutes to answer the questions that will help our experts understand your needs — and we’ll get back with recommendations on the most suitable cloud platform.

ScienceSoft USA Corporation Is a 3-Year Champion in the Financial Times Rating

Three years in a row (2022–2024), the Financial Times has included ScienceSoft USA Corporation in the list of 500 fastest-growing American companies. This is the result of our dedication to driving project success despite any constraints and disruptions.

We Eagerly Put in Use IT Innovations

Click the cards to find the detailed description of our capabilities with each technology.

Our Cloud Development Service Options

Cloud app development

We plan, design and deliver scalable, portable, reliable and secure containerized cloud apps (including based on services/microservices). On demand, we:

  • Assess development project feasibility, provide cost & time estimates.
  • Power the app with advanced services (AI, VR, data science, IoT and more).
  • Integrate the app with third-party systems.
  • Provide continuous cloud app support and maintenance to meet new business needs.
Build my cloud app

Application migration to the cloud

We cover:

  • Application and/or DWH migration to the cloud with all-around modifications (if necessary).
  • Integration of cloud and on-premises environments into a hybrid infrastructure (if required).
  • Data migration.
  • CI/CD implementation.
  • Cloud infrastructure configuration.
  • Cloud application testing.
Move my app to the cloud