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Cloud Consulting Services

Get the Most Value out of Cloud Investments!

With more than 12 years of experience in cloud development and migration, ScienceSoft handles everything around the cloud: from designing cloud adoption strategy and defining cost optimization tactics to developing efficient cloud-native apps, cloud data warehouses, and migrating legacy infrastructures to the cloud.

Cloud Consulting Services - ScienceSoft
Cloud Consulting Services - ScienceSoft

ScienceSoft’s cloud consulting is a way to innovate and scale in the cloud with complete peace of mind and the highest ROI. We help you surf through challenges, control risks, avoid downtimes and busted budgets, and exploit cloud’s potential to the fullest.

Why ScienceSoft

  • 12 years of experience in cloud development and migration.
  • 16 years’ experience in ITSM.
  • ISO 9001-certified quality management system and mature project management practices allowing us to implement projects fully meeting customers' quality, time, and budget expectations.
  • Guaranteed security of the customers’ data we access proved by ISO 27001 certificate.
  • Knowing the peculiarities of major public cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform inside out.
  • ScienceSoft is a 3-Year Champion in The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies Rating by the Financial Times.
  • Recognized as Top IT Services Provider by Clutch.

ScienceSoft's Cloud Service Options

We audit your existing IT infrastructure and business processes, analyze cloud adoption needs, and prepare a feasibility study and business case. Our cloud architects will suggest the best fitting cloud provider and deployment option, advise on a pragmatic cloud strategy and the required IaaS, PaaS or SaaS services. We also prepare a risk mitigation plan and a security strategy.

We modernize your application or data storage and execute their fast, smooth, and reliable migrations without unplanned disruptions to your business. Our QA engineers prepare the test strategy and perform manual and automated testing. If required, we can also integrate your cloud and on-premises environments, implement CI/CD, improve security, and more.

We design, build, test, deploy, and support apps and data warehouses that are fully adjusted to the specific capabilities and constraints of the cloud. Our team can cover back-end development, front-end development, integrations with other software, and CI/CD pipeline design. We also have in-house compliance experts (e.g., HIPAA, FDA, PCI DSS).

Cloud optimization

We review your cloud environment and check if you use the right cloud services to meet your needs. We also pause/terminate redundant cloud services, rightsize cloud resources, consider using Reserved and Spot instances, and more. Our services include both one-time improvements and continuous proactive cloud management.

We offer complete support for your cloud infrastructure, from setting it up to monitoring, maintenance, and improvement. Our goal is to keep your cloud infrastructures healthy, efficient, and in line with your business goals now and in the future. 

We can build custom integration solutions, use cloud services for integration (like AWS EventBridge, Azure Event Grid), middleware technologies (such as Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ) or ready-made integration solutions (MuleSoft, Boomi, etc.). Throughout the implementation phase, we prioritize minimal disruption to your daily operations via an iterative process and thorough planning of the deployment schedule.

Enjoy secure and scalable analytics solutions in the private, public, or hybrid clouds. We deliver data integration, aggregation, storage, big data processing, reporting, and interactive visualization — all tailored to our clients' unique needs. Also, we ensure full compliance of the solutions with global, regional, and industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA, GDPR, GLBA, and more.

At the core of our services is a comprehensive approach to cloud security that encompasses risk assessment, security strategy development, and implementation (SSO, MFA, data encryption at rest and in transit, firewalls, DLP, etc.). Also, we continuously monitor your cloud environment to detect and respond to threats in real time.

Clouds We Work With

With the growing diversity of offerings from different cloud providers, it’s often difficult and time-consuming for an organization to pick out the best-fitting cloud option. Being vendor-neutral, ScienceSoft weighs the pros and cons of all major clouds to help you find the best solution for your unique needs.


Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud Platform


Choose the Right Cloud with Expert Help

Please take 5 minutes to answer the questions that will help us understand your needs. We’ll get back to you with advice on the optimal cloud platform.


*Where are you planning to host your workloads?

*What will be the geography of your cloud workloads?

*Will data need to get moved from one geographic zone to another?

*Is data retrieval or computation time important?

*How important are reliability, availability and performance requirements?

*Has your company been using any cloud services so far?


Languages, frameworks, data storages, cloud services, etc.

*Are you considering serverless deployment?

Almost done!

Please let us know where we should send your estimate. Our experts may need to ask a few extra questions to calculate a precise quote for your case.

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Our team is on it!

ScienceSoft's experts will study your case and get back to you with the details within 24 hours.

Our team is on it!

Cloud Deployments We Handle

Public cloud consulting services

Enjoy the ease of use and maintenance, flexible pricing, and near-unlimited scalability.

Private cloud consulting services

Leverage superior security and privacy and zero latency for local apps.

Hybrid cloud consulting services

Combine the best of two worlds: public and private clouds.

Multi-cloud consulting services

Capitalize on the unique offers from a variety of cloud vendors.

How You Benefit from Cloud Consulting Services by ScienceSoft

Reduced migration cost

We design individual pragmatic migration strategies for each infrastructure component (applications, databases, data warehouses, desktops, etc.) to avoid extra re-development efforts and cut down on migration costs.

Optimized monthly cloud costs

We design optimal resource orchestration patterns (including auto-scaling for load surges in peak times) and select particular cloud services best suited for your specific case.

High development speed

We help you organize effective DevOps processes, incl. continuous code integration, testing, and delivery. Also, we will advise you on ready-to-go cloud services that you can use in the development of your app instead of writing your own code.


We design fault-tolerant architectures for your cloud apps and establish best practices of cloud performance management to ensure high app reliability and fast recovery.

Enhanced security

We rely on our effective and transparent information security management processes and help you encrypt data at rest and in transit, establish granular access control, establish effective user behavior policies, conduct security training, and more.

Guaranteed quality

Entrusting your cloud infrastructure to ScienceSoft, you can be 100% sure of the quality of the delivered services - our mature quality management system relies on value-driven collaboration, transparent processes, and skilled and quality-oriented people.

Want to Enjoy a Cost-Efficient and Risk-Free Cloud Journey?

Our experts are ready to help you navigate cloud offerings, make informed decisions on cloud adoption, fast-track your digital transformation – and see tangible improvements soon!

Our Selected Cloud Projects

Optimization of the Azure-Based Infrastructure of Educational Apps

Optimization of the Azure-Based Infrastructure of Educational Apps

  • We closely monitored the apps’ databases and cloud services and conducted Azure health checks to identify the cloud consumption problems and trends.
  • Handled app performance issues.
  • Reduced Azure cloud costs by 25%.
  • Created scripts for automated data cleansing and archiving and enabled regular transfer of the outdated data to a new separate database. This helped decrease the costs of Azure SQL databases.
Cloud-Native Java Back-End for an Innovative Hotel Self-Service App

Cloud-Native Java Back-End for an Innovative Hotel Self-Service App

  • We used microservices to establish Agile development and leverage cloud scalability.
  • Implemented reliable, secure, and reusable APIs for microservices to reduce time and efforts for future integrations.
Development of Custom Billing Software Based on Google Cloud

Development of Custom Billing Software Based on Google Cloud

  • We ensured cost-efficient cloud usage via the solution’s seamless dynamic scaling from 2 to > 50 app servers.
  • Introduced automatic failure recovery.
  • Delivered a centralized log system that offers exhaustive information about the evolution.
  • Ensured easy updates (conceptual changes, new features, etc.) due to a layered architecture, clear separation of concerns (SoC), standard APIs, etc.
Ecommerce Ecosystem Migration to Amazon Cloud

Ecommerce Ecosystem Migration to Amazon Cloud

  • We moved several services (a web portal, statistics, payments, mailings) running on 20 dedicated servers to AWS to ensure scalability of the Customer’s services.
  • Distributed the data used by one application among a number of external storages: Amazon S3, RDS and DynamoDB.
Data Warehouse Migration to AWS and Azure Cloud

Data Warehouse Migration to AWS and Azure Cloud

  • We delivered a big data solution to process 1,000 types of raw data and analyze it across 30,000 attributes.
  • Ensured up to 100 times faster analytical query processing.
  • Key technologies used: Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Spark.
Development of an Azure-Based Software Product for Intelligent Invoice Data Capture

Development of an Azure-Based Software Product for Intelligent Invoice Data Capture

  • We used microservices to enable easy scaling and targeted improvements of the software product.
  • Used Azure Service Fabric to streamline service communication, discovery, monitoring, provision, and facilitate local testing.
Development of an Azure-Based SaaS for vCIO Services Management

Development of an Azure-Based SaaS for vCIO Services Management

  • We used microservices architecture, containers, and load balancers.
  • Introduced a monitoring component to ensure stable work of complex distributed software.
  • Automated regression, integration, and cross-browser testing.
Accounting Software Migration to Azure Cloud

Accounting Software Migration to Azure Cloud

  • We reengineered the legacy application and added new important functionality that was missing.
  • Moved from desktop to web and cloud and redesigned into SaaS with stateless multi-tier architecture.
  • Reduced the operating costs.
  • Ensured 100% uptime.
Training Portal Migration to Azure Cloud

Training Portal Migration to Azure Cloud

  • We stabilized the existing application.
  • Handled a smooth migration to Azure cloud.
  • Enhanced the web application performance.
  • Redesigned UX and UI.

Why Businesses Choose ScienceSoft for Cloud Projects

ScienceSoft offers a high caliber of resources skilled in Microsoft Azure .NET, mobile and Quality Assurance.

Over the past three years, Lixar was very pleased with the service provided by ScienceSoft development teams and executive management.

We first contacted ScienceSoft because we needed senior-level expertise in .NET and DevOps, and we needed it quickly.

So far, ScienceSoft's .NET developers have been assisting Upstream Works in refactoring a load testing system and bringing further automation to the load testing process. ScienceSoft's DevOps engineers helped us optimize our Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure and set up a continuous software delivery process.

Owing to ScienceSoft’s experience in distributed modular systems, we cooperated with them on the evolution of our Azure-based product for accounts payable management.

The new software module performs stably even under heavy load, which helps provide high quality user experience for our customers.

What You Get from Cloud Computing Consulting

Cloud adoption strategy to plan, prioritize, and schedule IT infrastructure migration, cloud-native app and cloud data warehouse development.

Feasibility assessment of your cloud initiatives that includes TCO and ROI estimation.

Consultations for the C-suite to help understand the benefits and challenges of cloud migration or cloud-native development, define the skills and trainings required for the project’s success, choose the right cloud services.

Design and development of cloud apps and data warehouses including IT infrastructure design and CI/CD pipelines design.

Legacy infrastructure migration to the cloud via rehosting, replatforming, refactoring.

Knowledge transfer to IT support teams.

Cloud and hybrid infrastructure configuration and code reviews.

IT Director at ScienceSoft

To adjust your apps to the cloud, you need to make changes to their architecture, code, and the process of their building

"Moving your apps ‘as is’ usually is not enough to take full advantage of cloud-specific benefits: elasticity, scalability, ready-built components for integration, AI, IoT, ML, etc. To adjust your apps to the cloud, you need to make changes to their architecture, code, and the process of their building and shipping. Here at ScienceSoft, we do so by introducing microservices or serverless design patterns, fault-resilient architectures, containerization, IaC, CI/CD, automated testing and monitoring, and more."

Go for Cloud Consulting to Enhance Your Cloud Operations

  • +19%

    to the performance of cloud apps

  • -37%

    to cloud consumption cost

  • +75%

    to the productivity of IT infrastructure teams

Want to Score with Cloud Likewise?

Tell us about your needs, and we’ll return with a working cloud solution for your specific case.