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How to boost conversion rate in a Magento ecommerce store

Fayyaz Khattak

Fayyaz Khattak

Fayyaz Khattak

Fayyaz Khattak

Fayyaz is a Magento Community Manager at Cloudways – a Magento Hosting platform. His objective is to learn & share about PHP & Magento Development in Community. Fayyaz is a food lover and enjoys driving.


Boosting Magento conversion rate

Magento has long proved to be the leader in the ecommerce industry. There’s no denying that it has the ability and powers to make an online store prosper. With all the success stories and possibilities of Magento conversion optimization, the platform allows you to scale, streamline and stand out.

It might seem that all you have to do is to choose the best hosting for a Magento ecommerce store, set it up, start marketing your business and wait for the sales to come. However, it might not be that simple. There’s a lot that goes into making your online store successful and consistently improving the conversion rate.

There are a lot of tips and tricks on the Internet, and you might get confused with an overwhelming amount of information. Also, there’s a high chance that you drift away from the core idea of how to improve your Magento store simply because you’re focusing on one aspect only, say, marketing, UX, etc., which won’t help to achieve comprehensive optimization.

So, to save you the trouble, we have compiled a list of useful tips that you could use for Magento conversion optimization.

A personal touch

Personalization is probably the most important aspect of boosting your Magento conversion rate. It is essential that you stand out and make your clients feel special. For this, you need to create an engaging user experience with the necessary element of personalization.

You can make use of Google Analytics to get a fair idea of customer behavior. Google Analytics helps you monitor and analyze different metrics of your Magento store. You can track things like traffic and site activity and take necessary measures for conversion optimization. Start by creating targeted messages that come directly from you, the business. And don't forget to make your entire website content welcoming and conversational.

Make sure that your online store delivers the best experience on all types of devices. You can’t compromise on a mobile-ready site, otherwise, you’ll end up losing customers. With Magento, you can always use mobile responsive themes for a smooth experience.

The technical aspect

There are many technical aspects that you need to check to ensure smooth performance and, eventually, Magento conversion optimization. Some of the most important ones include:

  • The latest version of Magento
  • Advanced cache
  • A managed Magento hosting
  • A server with advanced technologies
  • A content delivery network (CDN)

The use of a CDN and an optimized server, for example, can greatly improve page load speed. If it takes a long for your online store to load, there’s a high possibility that your clients will bounce. Speed matters throughout the journey of visitors, up until they reach the checkout page and pay for their order.

Another aspect that cannot be overlooked is making sure that the checkout process is smooth. It is known that time-consuming checkouts or troubles in the process cause a great share of shopping cart abandonment. You can seek the support of Magento team to customize the checkout process and make it swift for customers.

Go the extra mile

Whether you aim at getting traffic to your store or increasing conversion, you can make a lasting impression by paying attention to small details.

You can help customers make more thought-out purchasing decisions by incorporating product reviews and customer feedback on your product pages. There are several Magento extensions that allow you to add reviews.

Similarly, you can attract customers with different loyalty programs and rewards that not only make a personalized experience but also improve conversion. You can use different plugins to offer rewards or loyalty programs to your Magento store visitors.

On a final note

While all of the tips mentioned in this article are important, you should always keep an eye on the current trends. For instance, you can make use of descriptive product content, and large images and videos to showcase products in a detailed and appealing way.

From strategy development to auditing an online store, we look forward to expertly support your each step in Magento development to bring you to the top.