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How a Mobile Ecommerce App Can Make Your Business a Mobile Success

Ecommerce Industry Analyst, ScienceSoft

4 min read

Editor’s note: Mobile presence for ecommerce businesses is a necessity rather than an option. Discover opportunities that an ecommerce mobile app gives and seize them with ScienceSoft’s ecommerce development services.

More and more people are choosing smartphones for browsing and shopping online, and in 2021, 53.9 percent of all retail ecommerce sales are expected to be made in mobile commerce. Not to lose potential revenue, it is important to respond to changing customers’ habits and ensure the mobile presence of your business. Besides, you don’t need to invest in a separate mobile ecommerce platform for that. Rather, you have several options to choose from:

Whatever way you choose, be inspired by the benefits of a customer-focused mobile presence.

Mobile ecommerce

Higher customer mobility

There are multiple times when people can easily decide for online shopping: waiting for a friend (most certainly the one who is always late), getting bored in a traffic jam or hanging out in a park at lunch. This is just the right time to prompt them to impulse buys or catch their interest that you can later nurture into a buy. What your potential customers expect is shopping experience optimized for mobile – convenient and fast-loading. Modern technologies (e.g., a PWA) even provide for uninterrupted operation during network breaks and in an offline mode. By taking care of your business’s mobile presence, you give customers the possibility to shop whenever and wherever they want. This cannot but affect your sales figures positively.

New marketing opportunities

Surely, your interactions with a customer don’t end after a single purchase. It is important to make your clients visit your store again and nurture brand loyalty. Email newsletters and social media posts are common marketing channels, but their engagement rate is limited anyway. To return to your store, your clients should be users of corresponding social media and see your post or email to navigate from there to your online shopping application.

The ecommerce marketing kit has many more channels planned for customer communication. For example, push notifications are a handy way to re-engage with customers via mobile. When a buyer notices your new deal in a notification, only one tap separates them from opening your web store and viewing the details. And you can use push notifications not for marketing purposes only. They also allow you to reach your clients and notify them of the shipment progress.

Rich data for analysis and the next level of personalization

Tracking and analyzing user behavior for web and mobile separately, you can surface specific patterns that will help to target these customer groups more successfully. Besides, if you have a standalone mobile app for your web store, you can merge the customer data from both sales channels for the fullest customer picture. And the more information you have, the more accurately you can segment the customers and tailor the communication.

Increase Your Mobile Sales

ScienceSoft can work with you to choose the best mobile ecommerce strategy and bring it to life with an ecommerce mobile app, a PWA, or a responsive website.

Advanced technologies for a delightful shopping

An ecommerce mobile app empowered with augmented reality (AR) makes the shopping process more enjoyable and helps customers better understand your products. They can interact with the models of your products in the real world through their smartphone screens.

Fashion and furniture are among the product lines where augmented reality is already used extensively. Fashion has mostly adopted the trend for traditional retail offering customers AR-powered fitting rooms. And furniture retailers find a way to employ it in ecommerce allowing customers to visualize items in their interiors and providing interactive manuals for furniture assembly and usage.

Don’t lose your online sales to competitors

I don’t have to tell you how competitive an ecommerce market is. Losing in something as important as mobile presence, you may lose serious money from m-commerce shoppers. If you are looking for a suitable team to assume full responsibility for your mobile strategy and mobile ecommerce website implementation, you can shortlist ScienceSoft as a promising vendor. We have 20 years in ecommerce development, 18 years in mobile development and boast 350+ mobile apps delivered to businesses worldwide. Contact our team, and we will gladly assist you to give a boost to your mobile sales.

Are you planning to expand your business online? We will translate your ideas into intelligent and powerful ecommerce solutions.