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5 Signs Your Web Store Needs UX Redesign

Web and Mobile Researcher, ScienceSoft

3 min read

Editor’s note: At one point or another, all owners of ecommerce websites face the need to revamp the user experience of their stores. Read on to detect the first signs of the approaching redesign need and reach out to us to discuss the plan of your redesign with ScienceSoft’s ecommerce website designers.

You can achieve good user experience (UX) by satisfying users’ expectations and directly addressing their needs. As both needs and expectations expand and change with time, UX design should gradually evolve too.

We’ve already discussed the best practices for ecommerce user experience in one of our previous posts. Here, ScienceSoft draws on its expertise to list 5 major signs that your web store should consider UX redesign and describes the potential benefits.

UX redesign

Your store is not mobile-optimized

According to Statista, mobile sales accounted for over half of all retail ecommerce sales in 2023. If your store still doesn’t have responsive design and isn’t easy and convenient to navigate on a mobile device, you’re already losing about half of your potential revenue. Desktop-specific UX is merely bearable on mobile – and ‘bearable’ is not the word to describe the UX that will bring you conversions and customer loyalty.

Read also: How to Support Customer Journey with a Mobile Strategy

Your store doesn’t have a customer review section

From experience with its customers, ScienceSoft knows that reviews are an important part of the customer journey. As many as 72% of customers don’t even put an item in their cart before they read at least one review on it. By offering a review section in your web store, you free your clients from the need to search for reviews on third-party platforms. This makes for their convenience as well as gives you the possibility to easily handle reviews on your territory.

Your store isn’t ADA-compliant

Designing your website to be accessible and user-friendly for people with disabilities in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) not only helps you avoid possible lawsuits but also significantly widens your customer base and improves your brand image. Even though adhering to all Web Content Accessibility Guidelines when designing a web store’s UX and UI can prove to be a challenge, following these guidelines (for instance, adding text transcripts to visual content) helps you to provide the same intuitive experience to a wide audience.

Looking for Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Business?

UX redesign with ScienceSoft may be the most certain one.

Your store doesn’t offer a wish-list

Within our UX research activities, ScienceSoft’s team often interviews the target audience of web stores. We found out that sometimes customers are uncomfortable with putting items in their carts, even when considering buying them in the future. Some say that an item in the cart creates disturbing pressure to complete a purchase instantly, others mention their dislike for abandoned cart reminders that make them feel like stores are watching them. By offering the option to add items to a wish-list instead of a cart, you help these customers to keep track of their items of interest without forcing them into an off-putting situation and, thus, probably losing them.

Your product images can’t be conveniently zoomed-in

Since customers now often shop from devices with smaller screens, a possibility to conveniently scrutinize a product picture via a zoom-in equals reduced purchase return rates. Moreover, if your full-size product photos aren’t displayed on a new layer but open on a separate page or in a new tab, the chances are that you’re frustrating or even losing your clients due to these unnecessary redirects.

Make purchasing with your store easy!

Good user experience is about eliminating any possible obstacles in the customer journey process and guiding them to the checkout at their individual pace and on their conditions. Leverage ScienceSoft’s experience in UX ecommerce design to revamp your store and see what your business can really achieve.

Ecommerce Website Design

At ScienceSoft, we create ecommerce websites with balanced visual appeal and usability.