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Office 365 Managed Services

Office 365 managed services - ScienceSoft

Office 365 managed services help maintain the sustainable operation of Office 365 solutions. The managed services cover user help desk, administration of the Office 365 ecosystem, Office 365 implementation or evolution, including customization, integration and migration.

With 13 years of experience in Office 365 consulting and development, ScienceSoft offers professional managed services to businesses to ensure operability, stability, high adoption, and cost-efficiency of the Office 365 environment.

Make the Most of Your Office 365!

ScienceSoft’s experts help you maintain smooth operation of your Office 365 environment.

Overview of ScienceSoft's Office 365 Managed Services

What We Cover with Office 365 Managed Services

Office 365 solutions

Components of Our Office 365 Managed Services

User support

  • L1, L2, L3 support. Resolving incidents, finding root causes, modifying workflows, providing reports, and more.
  • Enabling user self-support by creating a knowledge (articles, FAQ, user guides).
Request user support

Maintenance and optimization

  • Office 365 account and subscription administration.
  • Regular Office 365 health checks to detect and eliminate performance and security bottlenecks.
  • Stable work of your Office 365 solution.
  • High security and industry compliance of your Office 365 solution.
Request maintenance

Development and evolution

  • Office 365 improvements through customizations, integrations and workflow automation.
  • Custom solutions based on Office 365 like intranets, DMS, LMS, KMS, ticketing and help desk.
  • Office 365 migration.
  • Remote training on new solutions for users and admins.
  • A content governance model.
Request evolution

Our SharePoint and Office 365 Projects

What Our Clients Say

At the end of a long migration project to the SharePoint O365 environment, our company desired to update the face of our intranet site with a fresh look. We required specific customizations as well as an assurance that frequent Microsoft updates wouldn't disrupt the design. ScienceSoft expertly met these requirements and their delivery on countless details and change requests were lightning-fast and their communication excellent. 

We partnered with ScienceSoft for our Office 365 migration project. This included the migration of email, distribution lists and shared mailboxes, calendars and contacts from G-Suite to Office 365. The ScienceSoft Team were always very professional, demonstrating competency in the required skillset and good communications.

We were constantly developing and looking more towards solutions within Microsoft 365 suite, but lack of developer resources became an issue. ScienceSoft positively surprised us with the cooperation approach already from the beginning. [With ScienceSoft] we are able to create more thoughtful solutions because of available expertise of allocated resources. Great partner for long term cooperation.

Why Choose ScienceSoft as Your Office 365 Managed Services Provider


  • 35 years in IT.
  • 13 years in Office 365 managed services.
  • Microsoft Partner since 2008.
  • 20+ Microsoft-certified experts.
  • 150+ successful projects with Office 365 and SharePoint.
  • ScienceSoft is a 3-Year Champion in The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies Rating by the Financial Times.

Strengths of Office 365 Managed Services by ScienceSoft

Full-cycle services

We offer all-encompassing managed services from user support and monitoring of your Office 365 environment to the planning and optimization of your Office 365 resources.


You can reach our professionals 24/7 via any suitable communication channel: a phone, email, a case-tracking system, instant messengers, social media, and a customer portal.

Solid security

Our skilled security team, including certified ethical hackers, will help you ensure bulletproof security of your Office 365 environment.


We offer Office 365 licenses at a discount.


We suggest improvements for your Office 365 solutions that will bring business value, monitor and detect potential issues and handle them in advance.


We are open to discuss and alter pricing, cooperation models, timeframes, and other terms of cooperation.

Timeframes for Our Office 365 Managed Services

First response time - calls

First response time (calls) - 40 seconds in 90% of calls

First response time - email

First response time (help desk email tickets) - 30 minutes

Urgent solution upgrades

Delivery time of urgent solution upgrades - 4-16 hours

Service coverage

Service coverage - Adjusted to a customer's business hours: 24/7, 12/7, 12/5, 8/5

Office 365 Managed Services: Pricing Models

Fixed Monthly Fee

  • For maintenance services: depends on the number of users, Office 365 apps in use, current customizations, and more.
  • For user help desk services: depends on the number of tickets per month and the type of service coverage.

Time and Material

Used in case of substantial functionality changes in Office 365 solutions or development of new solutions when requirements are constantly evolving.

Fixed Price

Used in case of substantial functionality changes in Office 365 solutions or the development of new solutions when the project scope is defined.

Need a Quote for Office 365 Managed Services?

ScienceSoft’s consultants will analyze your Office 365 managed services needs and offer you a comprehensive price quote.

Issues We Solve with Our Office 365 Services

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Office 365 downtimes and performance issues.

99.99% uptime of the Office 365 environment.

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Low adoption of Office 365.

Professional training for users and admins.

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Costly maintenance of Office 365 solutions.

Cost-efficiency due to remote service provisioning (98% of instances) and optimal resource utilization.

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High development risks of Office 365 solutions

Agile development of new custom Office 365 solutions and upgrades.

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Low quality of Office 365 support due to the lack of relevant competencies.

Access to experienced Office 365 admins, consultants and developers.

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Slow response to user requests.

Quick issue resolution in accordance with SLA.

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Security and compliance challenges.

24/7 security monitoring and regular updates in sync with compliance regulations.

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Overloaded in-house IT team.

Increased productivity of in-house IT specialists due to lessening their load related to Office 365 maintenance.

Get Managed Services for Your Office 365 Right Now

Ordering Office 365 managed services right now will soon result in a number of benefits for your business:

  • 99,99%

    uptime of your Office 365 environment

  • 96%

    user satisfaction with Office 365

  • 100%

    interoperability of software integrated with Office 365

  • 100%

    regulatory compliance

  • +10%

    overall business productivity due to faster user support and smoother collaboration

  • 40%

    increased productivity of in-house IT staff

Fetch These Benefits with Office 365 Managed Services!

Contact ScienceSoft’s team to learn how to ensure faultless and stable functioning of your Office 365 ecosystem.