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US mobile banking: Opportunities and gaps

Maryia Danko

Maryia Danko

Maryia Danko

Maryia Danko

Maryia Danko is a marketing specialist at ScienceSoft, a software development and consulting company headquartered in McKinney, Texas. With 7+ years of her marketing and sales experience, Maryia successfully blends analytical skills and visual thinking to create fact-based and concise infographics resting on in-depth research of the IT solution market.


The mobile banking race is now on the rise with more banks, credit unions and other financial institutions that wish to take part in this heated competition. Whether you only consider to introduce this banking software for your clients or already have one, you will definitely call for data reflecting the latest trends in mobile banking development. ScienceSoft has put it all together to help you navigate the mobile banking world. Take a look at this infographic to know more about the following:

  • How many clients are into mobile banking
  • What users do most in their mobile banking apps
  • What mobile banking features are most frequently provided
  • Which 5 features are getting popular right now
  • How customer satisfaction and loyalty depends on mobile banking usage
  • How mobile banking can improve cross-selling processes, increase revenue and reduce operational costs

US mobile banking infographics

This is only the tip of the iceberg. To learn more about the challenges we solve with our solutions, visit our mobile banking development page. 


  1. https://www.federalreserve.gov/econresdata/consumers-and-mobile-financial-services-report-201603.pdf
  2. http://fi-navigator.com/fi-navigator_celent_mobile_banking
  3. http://celent.com/system/files/mobile_banking_quantified_preview_may16_v2_0.pdf
  4. http://ababankmarketing.com/insights/quantifying-mobile-banking-performance/
  5. https://www.miteksystems.com/sites/default/files/docs/2016%20MD%20Benchmark%20Rpt%20Final.pdf
  6. https://thefinancialbrand.com/58703/mobile-banking-satisfaction-growth/
  7. http://www.jdpower.com/sites/default/files/16_rbs_analyst_briefing_impact_of_emerging_segments_final.pdf
  8. https://www.fiserv.com/resources/Mobile-Adoption-White-Paper-January-2016.pdf
  9. https://thefinancialbrand.com/58703/mobile-banking-satisfaction-growth/
  10. https://www.javelinstrategy.com/press-release/javelin-identifies-15-b-mobile-banking-cost-savings-leveraging-omnichannel-approach

Searching for A-class mobile banking developers? We create award-winning mobile banking apps that improve customer experience and ensure cost savings.