Secure Modernization of 20-Year-Old Aviation Insurance Software
About Our Client
The Client is a global insurance organization headquartered in New York.
The Client wanted to re-implement and extend the functionality of its aviation insurance management application that served as a collaboration space for underwriters, their assistants, and intermediaries. The application was over 20 years old and relied on complex business logic. There was no up-to-date documentation on its architecture or functionality.
To restore the lost information, plan the new app features, and ensure smooth evolution of the insurance software, the Client was looking for a reliable IT partner with proficient business analysts experienced in the insurance industry.
ScienceSoft’s business analyst started with:
- Conducting a thorough analysis of the Client’s business processes, internal regulations and systems.
- Interviewing employees from all the involved departments on the Client’s side.
- Exploring the application’s use cases and existing workflows.
- Modeling the to-be processes and describing how the updated application should work.
Based on the analysis results, ScienceSoft’s expert elicited detailed requirements for the solution-to-be and prioritized them on behalf of the stakeholders. The updated app was to provide the following functionality depending on access levels:
Level 1 users (underwriters and their assistants) can:
- Add new submissions.
- Define the types of coverage.
- Create quotes.
- Set up payment plans.
- Bind risks.
- Process and issue policies.
- Maintain midterm activities.
- Manage renewal policies.
- Handle losses.
- Track aged receivables.
- Generate reports.
Level 2 users (insurance brokers) have limited rights defined by the Level 1 users. They can:
- Add new submissions.
- Select the type of coverages.
- Get quotes.
- Request binders.
- Autogenerate policies.
- Make online payments
- Manage renewals.
In addition, ScienceSoft’s team prepared new UI prototypes. Since the end users had worked with the legacy application for many years, our team made new user interfaces behave similarly to the old ones wherever possible to ease the adoption of the updated software.
Thanks to ScienceSoft’s business analyst, the Client’s development team received clearly defined and prioritized requirements for the solution-to-be. That significantly streamlined the development process, helped to add new features without disrupting the existing functionality, and simplified further maintenance of the modernized application. The end users quickly adopted the modernized application due to its familiar UI.
The Client expressed interest in further cooperation to develop similar solutions for its subsidiary.
Methodologies and Tools
Document analysis, interviews, prototyping, data analysis, root cause and opportunity analysis, current state assessment, brainstorming, facilitated workshops, observation, gap analysis, Kano analysis, modeling (business process model and notation, use case diagrams, entity relationship diagram).
Confluence, Atlassian Jira, Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Teams, MockFlow, UXPressia, Lean Canvas, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Visio, Draw.io, Gliffy Diagrams, QuickDBD, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).