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Security Testing Services

Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers

With 35 years in IT and 21 years in cybersecurity, ScienceSoft offers a full range of security testing services, from vulnerability assessment and penetration testing to compliance review and IT security audit.

Security Testing Services - ScienceSoft
Security Testing Services - ScienceSoft

Security testing services aim to detect, analyze, and help remediate vulnerabilities that enable unauthorized access to data, applications, and IT infrastructure. Regular checkups of IT assets and security policies and procedures help companies prevent costly cyber incidents and compliance breaches

Why Businesses Turn to Security Testing Services

  • 38%

    was the rise in worldwide attacks in 2022, compared to 2021 (Check Point Research)

  • $10.5 trillion

    will be the cost of global cybercrime by 2025 (2022 Official Cybercrime Report by Cybersecurity Ventures)

Choose ScienceSoft as Your Security Testing Company

  • 21 years in cybersecurity, a solid portfolio of security testing projects.
  • A competent team: Certified Ethical Hackers, senior developers, compliance consultants, certified cloud security experts, certified ISO 27001 internal auditors, and more.
  • Profound knowledge of the major security regulations and standards: HIPAA, PCI, SOX, SOC 2, ISO 27001, GDPR, GLBA, and more.
  • Recognized among the Top Penetration Testing Companies by Clutch.
  • An ISO 9001-certified service provider that guarantees smooth cooperation and value-driving results.
  • 100% security of our clients' data ensured by ISO 27001-certified security management system.
  • ScienceSoft is a 3-Year Champion in The Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies Rating by the Financial Times.

Trusted by famous brands

Security Testing Types We Offer

Security testing is often used as a synonym for its most popular type – penetration testing. However, security testing embraces a variety of techniques that explore IT infrastructure and applications from different angles. Below we present the services that are in high demand among the customers of our security testing agency.

Penetration testing

Simulating real-life cyberattack scenarios, we investigate how malicious actors can break into your apps or IT infrastructure and what harm they can potentially inflict.

Our penetration testing services
Vulnerability assessment

We combine advanced scanning tools and thorough manual analysis to unearth all known vulnerabilities in your software and IT infrastructure and prioritize them by their criticality.

Our vulnerability assessment services
Social engineering testing

We imitate the manipulation techniques used by cybercriminals to see if your employees can be tricked into divulging sensitive information or breaking security rules.

Our social engineering testing services
Red teaming

We perform a series of advanced attacks in lifelike conditions. Your IT team and employees are not aware of the testing. It helps understand if your security policies and procedures, preventive and detective security tools, and security awareness training are efficient enough to protect your company against targeted cyber attacks.

Our red teaming services
Compliance testing

We check if the security controls in your software and IT infrastructure are up to the requirements of the relevant regulatory standards (e.g., HIPAA, PCI DSS/SSF, GLBA, GDPR).

Our compliance testing services
IT security audit

We perform a comprehensive review of and help improve all the IT security controls you have in place: cybersecurity policies and procedures, technological solutions, and employee vigilance.

Our IT security audit services
Application security testing

Software security testing services aim to detect flaws in an app's architecture, code, integration points and further prevent unauthorized access to the app's data and functionality. Specific activities include manual code review, static and dynamic application security testing (SAST and DAST).

Our application security testing services
Cloud security assessment

We define the AWS, Azure, or GCP security controls within your responsibility and test the security of your cloud environment. On demand, we help remediate the found vulnerabilities and fine-tune your cloud security services.

Our cloud security assessment services

Penetration testing

Simulating real-life cyberattack scenarios, we investigate how malicious actors can break into your apps or IT infrastructure and what harm they can potentially inflict.

Our penetration testing services

Vulnerability assessment

We combine advanced scanning tools and thorough manual analysis to unearth all known vulnerabilities in your software and IT infrastructure and prioritize them by their criticality.

Our vulnerability assessment services

Social engineering testing

We imitate the manipulation techniques used by cybercriminals to see if your employees can be tricked into divulging sensitive information or breaking security rules.

Our social engineering testing services

Red teaming

We perform a series of advanced attacks in lifelike conditions. Your IT team and employees are not aware of the testing. It helps understand if your security policies and procedures, preventive and detective security tools, and security awareness training are efficient enough to protect your company against targeted cyber attacks.

Our red teaming services

Compliance testing

We check if the security controls in your software and IT infrastructure are up to the requirements of the relevant regulatory standards (e.g., HIPAA, PCI DSS/SSF, GLBA, GDPR).

Our compliance testing services

IT security audit

We perform a comprehensive review of and help improve all the IT security controls you have in place: cybersecurity policies and procedures, technological solutions, and employee vigilance.

Our IT security audit services

Application security testing

Software security testing services aim to detect flaws in an app's architecture, code, integration points and further prevent unauthorized access to the app's data and functionality. Specific activities include manual code review, static and dynamic application security testing (SAST and DAST).

Our application security testing services

Cloud security assessment

We define the AWS, Azure, or GCP security controls within your responsibility and test the security of your cloud environment. On demand, we help remediate the found vulnerabilities and fine-tune your cloud security services.

Our cloud security assessment services

Certified Ethical Hacker, Penetration Testing Consultant at ScienceSoft

When we plan, perform, and report on our security testing projects, we rely on best practices outlined by OWASP Web Security Testing Guide, NIST SP 800-115, PTES, CIS Benchmarks, and other authoritative sources. So, our clients may be sure they get safe and controlled testing, comprehensive exploration of security gaps, and actionable remediation advice.

Explore Success Stories by ScienceSoft

What Our Clients Value

Star Star Star Star Star

Throughout security testing activities, ScienceSoft’s cybersecurity team proved to be result-oriented and attentive to detail. Thanks to ScienceSoft’s quality testing efforts, we were able to ensure a higher level of protection of our cloud application and the sensitive customer data stored in it.

ScienceSoft’s security testing team performed exceptionally well and gave us confidence that our application posed no serious vulnerabilities. The collaboration was smooth and easy, and we were very pleased with selecting ScienceSoft as our vendor.

ScienceSoft’s security professionals always responded quickly on any question regarding the identified security vulnerabilities. Upon the completion of security tests, we got comprehensive reports with the detailed information on the detected critical and non-critical security weaknesses and recommended measures to mitigate them. 

Whom We Serve: Industry Expertise and Success Stories

High-risk industries we keep safe

Energy and natural resources

14 years helping oil and gas companies ensure improved cybersecurity, better brand reputation, and unfailing business continuity.


35 years providing software solutions and IT consulting for manufacturers, including Nestle, and Heinz.

See our experience in other industries

What We Check: Security Testing Targets


Application security testing services are designed to identify vulnerabilities at any stage of the SDLC and involve exploration of both the app’s back end and front end.

  • Web applications and APIs.
  • Mobile applications.
  • Desktop applications.

IT infrastructure

We evaluate how well your cloud, hybrid, and on-premises IT infrastructures are protected against external cyber attacks and insider threats.

  • Endpoints: PCs, laptops, mobile devices.
  • Network connectivity and network management tools.
  • Email services.
  • Web servers.
  • Databases.
  • Security solutions: firewalls, VPN, IAM, DLP systems, and more.
  • Cloud resources (AWS, Azure, GCP).

Employees cybersecurity awareness

To help you avoid human-related security breaches, we check if your employees:

  • Know and adhere to the corporate security policies and rules
  • Know and fulfill applicable compliance requirements.
  • Can recognize and handle malicious messages and calls.

Security policies and procedures

We check if the security policies and procedures in place can ensure adequate security risk management, including:

  • Access control policy
  • Data protection.
  • Vulnerability management.
  • Incident response.
  • Disaster recovery, and more.

Well-Equipped to Handle Advanced Apps and Complex IT Infrastructures

12 years in cloud services; a Microsoft Solutions Partner, AWS Select Tier Services Partner.

Developing and testing secure apps powered by blockchain, AR/VR, AI/ML.

13 years in delivering cyber resilient IoT solutions.

ScienceSoft's Head of Information Security Department

As a new technology – for example, cloud, IoT, blockchain – starts gaining popularity, it tends to get more undesired attention from cybercriminals. Our firm helps adopt and use new technology in a secure way, so our clients can enjoy its benefits without putting their data or assets at risk.

Benefits  Our Security Testing Firm Offers 

Actionable reports

Along with an executive summary of the project's scope, methodology, and results, we'll provide a detailed report for your IT team. It will contain the description of all detected vulnerabilities classified by their severity and the optimal corrective measures.

Prompt vulnerability remediation

Our developers, DevSecOps and IT security engineers, and compliance consultants can fix all security and compliance gaps detected during the security assessment.

Attestation letters and security badges

We help you demonstrate your due diligence to regulatory authorities and prove the high security level to your clients.

Cost optimization

We help identify only the required scope of testing activities and reuse knowledge in case of long-term cooperation.

ScienceSoft penetration services - Gartner reviews

Popular Questions about Security Testing Services, Answered

Is security testing included in QA activities during software development?

It may be a part of the QA activities within SDLC, especially during the development of highly secure software. However, in most projects, security testing is a separate activity, and it should be conducted by a dedicated professional team.

What are the benefits of third-party security testing?

If you outsource a security checkup, you avoid continuous hefty spending on your in-house security testing team and tools. At the same time, you get access to a wide pool of cybersecurity skills and tools. Plus, you can leverage the vast experience and knowledge of the latest vulnerabilities and hacking techniques a competent vendor should possess.

How long does security testing take?

The duration of a security testing checkup varies greatly depending on its scope, technique(s), and other factors. Penetration testing of a simple web app may be completed in around 1 week, while HIPAA compliance risk assessment may take 10 weeks. If you want to know what timeline is feasible for your planned project, you are welcome to contact our team.

How much does security testing cost?

The cost of a security checkup can vary depending on the testing type, the number and complexity of the testing targets, the qualifications of the testing team, and other factors. For example, vulnerability assessment of 200 network IPs to prepare for a HIPAA compliance audit may cost $5,000. The price of a phishing campaign combined with white box IT infrastructure pentesting for a medium-sized company is likely to start from $40,000. We’ll be happy to help you calculate the required budget for your project.

How to make sure my company can withstand the most widespread cyber attacks?

Email services and web applications are the most common attack vectors, so it's crucial to timely fix any vulnerabilities they have. Consider social engineering testing to verify the efficiency of your email security tools and policies and employees' cyber resilience. Web security testing services are needed to explore the protection of your websites, web applications, APIs, and web services to detect potential security loopholes and prevent widespread cyber attacks.

How can we be sure that we managed to fix the vulnerabilities detected during a security testing project?

After your IT team or our security experts eliminate the reported vulnerabilities, we offer a quick re-testing round to check if all fixes were applied correctly. The re-testing is included in the price of the project, so you don't have to pay extra to validate your new security level.

Tools Powering Our Security Testing Team

Along with manual vulnerability exploration, we expertly apply security testing tools that best suit the project specifics. As a result, you get an all-around view of the existing security issues in the shortest possible time.

Cooperation Models ScienceSoft Offers

One-time security testing

We offer impartial assessment and actionable remediation guidance by specialists with vast experience and advanced tools.

Where you win: No vendor lock-in.



Let's talk about it

Managed security testing

Security testing as a service means regular professional checkups to detect and help manage ever-arising vulnerabilities.

Where you win: as our experts get familiar with your IT environment and applications, subsequent assessments get faster and cheaper.



Let's talk about it

Stay Protected Amidst the Raging Cyber Crime

Level up your cyber defense with ScienceSoft. We are ready to thoroughly check the protection of your IT environment and help eliminate the detected vulnerabilities.