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Network Vulnerability Assessment 

Protect Your Network from Cyberattacks 

Since 2003, ScienceSoft provides vulnerability assessment and management services to help companies locate and mitigate network vulnerabilities.

Network Vulnerability Assessment - ScienceSoft
Network Vulnerability Assessment - ScienceSoft

Network Security Vulnerability Assessment: Summary

Network vulnerability assessment includes scanning for, detecting, and analyzing security vulnerabilities within a corporate network infrastructure and aims to ensure its resilience to common cybersecurity threats. 

It is required to carry out vulnerability assessment  of the network to comply with the majority of regulatory standards (HIPAA, PCI DSS, etc.). Usually, assessment is followed by network penetration testing to exploit identified vulnerabilities and define the most probable attack scenarios.

This engagement may take from 3-4 days (for a small network) to 2-3 weeks (for midsize and large networks). It requires a team of a lead security engineer and a security engineer, and its cost starts from $5,000.

ScienceSoft’s security experts help midsize and large companies evaluate network security and unearth present security flaws. We can define the nature and criticality of network vulnerabilities and offer a remediation plan.

Risks of Network Security Flaws

Vulnerabilities in a network may enable cybercriminals to launch a variety of attacks to gain partial or full control of your IT assets.

As a result, they may disrupt your IT operations and damage or misuse your sensitive data. The risks of neglected network vulnerabilities include:

  • Operational downtime.
  • Financial losses.
  • Litigations.
  • Reputational damage.

ScienceSoft’s Head of Information Security Department

According to security best practices, a company should undergo network vulnerability assessments quarterly. In case of strict compliance requirements, it may be necessary to scan your network monthly or even weekly. Also, you should consider vulnerability assessment after introducing any significant changes to the network: e.g., adding or removing critical hardware and software components. Our cybersecurity consultants warn that if you neglect proper vulnerability assessment for longer than a year, you are likely to become an easy target for hackers.

Network Vulnerability Assessment Methods

Depending on your network vulnerability testing needs, we apply the black box, white box, or gray box approach.

Black box

Scanning for vulnerabilities without any information on a target network. The external network perimeter is a starting point for scanning.

Assessing the network vulnerability ‘from the inside’ (having all the knowledge about the network).

Searching for vulnerabilities in the network, having some information about it (e.g., user login details), but without access to the entire network.

Steps to Perform Network Vulnerability Assessment

ScienceSoft plans vulnerability assessment of a network according to its size and complexity and size and the type of the target environment (production, development, etc.). You are welcome to check out our sample plan below and use it as your network vulnerability assessment checklist.


Network vulnerability scan planning and design

Duration: 1–10 days
  • Defining the assessment goals: e.g., network segmentation check, malware scanning, preparing for HIPAA compliance audit.
  • Creating a list of the network segments and software to be assessed.
  • Selecting a vulnerability scanning tool that can be configured to bypass specific network firewall rules and restrictions.
  • Choosing between an external vulnerability scan (for the part of the network exposed to the internet) and an internal vulnerability scan (for the internal corporate network).
  • Scheduling the vulnerability scan (usually for non-business hours).



Configuring the scan

Duration: ~1 day
  • Defining target IPs by specifying the hardware or software they belong to.
  • Adding the list of target IP addresses to the vulnerability scanning tool.
  • Scanning the network for open ports and defining port ranges and protocol types (TCP or UDP).
  • Setting up the aggressiveness level of the scan, its duration, and completeness notifications.

We typically set up scanning aggression at the medium level. It helps avoid the disruption of network operations, as a high scanning aggression level requires increased consumption of network resources.

ScienceSoft's Penetration Testing Consultant


Scanning for vulnerabilities

Duration: 1–5 days
  • Checking the target network components with a manually tuned automated scanning tool.



Analysis of the scan results

Duration: 1–3 days

At this stage, we perform manual analysis of the scan findings:

  • To filter out false positives and validate the identified security vulnerabilities.
  • To analyze root causes and potential impact of the found vulnerabilities.

We recommend reaching out for penetration testing to see whether a real-life attacker can exploit the detected vulnerabilities.

ScienceSoft's Penetration Testing Consultant


Reporting the vulnerabilities discovered

Duration: 1–2 days

We deliver an executive summary with the project highlights and a final report, which contains:

  • A list of detected vulnerabilities with their description and classification by their criticality.
  • Corrective measures for each flaw.
  • The assessment methodology and tools.


Network Vulnerability Management Steps

An integral part of a sound security strategy, network vulnerability management is a continuous process of keeping an up-to-date inventory of network assets, assessing network security, and eliminating vulnerabilities.

Network vulnerability management - ScienceSoft

Top Network Vulnerabilities and Ways to Handle Them

Network vulnerabilities - ScienceSoft

Weak access controls

  • Easy-to-guess passwords.
  • Single-factor authentication.
  • Unrestricted or poorly restricted access to sensitive information or critical network components.

How we can help

We help implement:

  • A strict password policy to ensure complicated passwords/passphrases and their regular updates.
  • Password managers to securely store the passwords.
  • Multi-factor authentication for additional protection of user identity.

Role-based access control to strictly limit access to the critical network components and information according to user roles within your company.


Vulnerable software

  • Deprecated or unpatched software.
  • Misconfigured software, including security services and tools.

How we can help

We are ready to provide recommendations or practical aid with:

  • Creating and maintaining comprehensive software inventory.
  • Regular updating and patching of all the software in use.
  • Configuring your security tools and other software to maximize the protection of your network.
  • Managing security configurations in the long run.


Insecure network architecture

  • Absent or inefficient network segmentation that, in case of a breach, will enable intruders to freely move around the network and easily reach its critical components.

How we can help

We help embed best security practices in the network design by:

  • Segregating the IT network into zones, depending on the security requirements for specific network components.
  • Defining the optimal placement for security tools (e.g., firewalls) to maximize their efficiency.


Low security awareness

  • Employees breaking security rules due to negligence or ignorance: e.g., clicking malicious links, connecting unsecured devices to the network, accessing corporate IT network via public Wi-Fi without VPN, etc.

How we can help

We are ready to:

  • Perform social engineering testing to check your employees’ cyber resilience.
  • Give field-tested recommendations on how to make your security awareness training efficient.
  • Help integrate security in your IT user policies, such as BYOD or MDM, to minimize the risk of security breaches due to human error.
  • Implement security tools that help resist social engineering attacks: e.g., email security solutions.


Network Vulnerability Assessment Checklist

Take our quick quiz and learn whether you need to improve your network security controls.



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Your network security level is high

Your adherence to best security practices is impressive. Keep up the good work! ScienceSoft's security experts are ready to check your network for hidden vulnerabilities and offer advanced measures to keep your assets hack-proof.

Talk to us

Your network security level is medium

Your cybersecurity efforts are showing positive results! However, there is room for further improvement. Turn to ScienceSoft, if you want to strengthen your network protection quickly and effectively, without unnecessary expenses.

Talk to us

Your network security level is low

It's time to prioritize your cybersecurity. If you need field-tested advice, efficient tools, and enthusiastic security team to bolster your network protection, ScienceSoft has it all.

Talk to us

Consider Professional Network Vulnerability Assessment Services

Equipped with best security practices of NIST SP 800-115, OWASP Web Security Testing Guide, CIS Benchmarks, CIS Controls, and other authoritative sources, our team is ready to help you pinpoint and eliminate network vulnerabilities.

Network vulnerability assessment consulting

We help plan the assessment to suit your network specifics, choosing the optimal scope, techniques, and tools. We advise on how to deal with the findings: exclude false positives, identify compliance gaps, and define and prioritize corrective measures.

I need this!

Outsourced network vulnerability assessment

Entrust your network security to us, and be sure that not a single security flaw will go unnoticed. Our experienced security engineers offer remediation guidance or practical aid to help protect your network and achieve full regulatory compliance (HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, etc.).

I need this!

Why Businesses Choose ScienceSoft for Network Vulnerability Testing

  • In cybersecurity since 2003.
  • Competent security team, including Certified Ethical Hackers and compliance consultants.
  • A solid portfolio of successful cybersecurity projects in healthcare, BFSI, retail, energy, manufacturing, public sector, and telecoms.
  • Recognized as Top Penetration Testing Company by Clutch.
  • ISO 27001-certified security management based on comprehensive policies and processes, advanced security technology, and skilled professionals.
  • A quality-first approach based on a mature ISO 9001-certified quality management system.

ScienceSoft Clients Share Their Impressions

The team was courteous and knowledgeable throughout, and patient with us as our own priorities shifted. They discovered a number of vulnerabilities, compiled them into a straight-forward report which was easy for our management team to understand, and suggested remediations along with a practical risk assessment. ScienceSoft was an excellent vendor for our first real exercise in cybersecurity. We are pleased with the team, process, and outcomes, and would work with them again in the future.

Star Star Star Star Star

Thanks to ScienceSoft’s quality testing efforts, we were able to ensure a higher level of protection of our cloud application and the sensitive customer data stored in it. ScienceSoft has proved to be a competent cybersecurity partner who can deliver high-quality testing services within the deadlines provided. We consider ScienceSoft a trusted business partner and plan to continue our working relationship with them.

We hired ScienceSoft’s cybersecurity team to validate the security of our corporate networks and our cloud AWS services. They were very responsive and helpful in planning of penetration tests. We were very satisfied with the professional, timely, and friendly service and we greatly appreciate their help in securing our networks.

On Guard of Network Security: ScienceSoft’s Success Stories

Network vulnerability testing embraces vulnerability scanning used to detect maximum security flaws and penetration testing that investigates the likelihood and impact of vulnerability exploitation. Check a few projects from our vast portfolio to see how network vulnerability testing contributed to our clients’ improved cybersecurity posture.

Network Vulnerability Assessment for a US Mobile Services Provider

Network Vulnerability Assessment for a US Mobile Services Provider

ScienceSoft helped the provider of mobile financial services prepare for a PCI DSS audit. Our testers discovered over 300 security issues in the internal subnetworks, including the ones that could lead to sensitive data disclosure. They recommended remediation activities to prevent data breaches and related financial and reputational losses.

Network Penetration Testing for a US Insurance Service Provider

Network Penetration Testing for a Large US Healthcare Provider

ScienceSoft checked the internal and external network of a US healthcare provider with 10+ facilities. The detected vulnerabilities in the internal network could enable remote code execution, DoS, man-in-the-middle, spoofing, and other attacks. To prevent unauthorized access to patients’ sensitive data or IT network administration, our team provided remediation guidance.

IT Infrastructure Security Testing for an Asian Retail Bank

IT Network Vulnerability Tests for a Gulf-Based Retail Bank

ScienceSoft’s security engineers scanned the network of the bank with 550 branches and exploited the identified security flaws. They discovered critical vulnerabilities, such as a server using the obsolete HTTPS protocol, that could endager clients’ data.

Network Penetration Testing for a US EHR Software Vendor

ScienceSoft evaluated the network security for a leading US healthcare IT company that provides cloud-based EHR and telehealth solutions to medical professionals across the globe. The testers were glad to find only low- and medium-severity vulnerabilities and advised the Customer’s IT team on how to fix them.

Network Pentesting before Compliance Audits for a US Contract Services Company

To help prepare for PCI DSS and SOC 2 compliance audits, ScienceSoft security experts tested the company’s external and internal networks. Based on the testing results, ScienceSoft’s team advised on secure network segmentation, network device settings, and network traffic encryption to enhance the company’s cybersecurity posture.

Network Penetration Testing for a Leading Mining Company

ScienceSoft checked the extensive internal network of a big mining company with facilities in the USA and Europe. The testers found multiple cases of outdated software with known vulnerabilities and poor protection of the SCADA systems. They offered detailed remediation guidance to help the company minimize the risk of network security breaches.

Network Penetration Testing for a US Law Firm

Network Penetration Testing for a US Law Firm

ScienceSoft checked the security of an extensive IT network for a prestigious law firm with 1,000+ employees on board. Thorough vulnerability scanning and penetration testing revealed over 100 security issues. Our team recommended the corrective measures needed to protect the wealth of confidential information entrusted to the firm.

ScienceSoft’s Vulnerability Assessment Team

Lead security engineer

  • Leads the vulnerability assessment team.
  • Mentors security engineers in assessment techniques.
  • Develops vulnerability scan schedules.
  • Suggests remediation strategies for discovered security vulnerabilities.

Security engineer

  • Performs the necessary activities from configuring the scan to reporting scan results.
  • Configures and operates vulnerability assessment tools.
  • Reports on technical and procedural findings of vulnerability tests.
  • Manually validates vulnerability findings for false positives and documents the findings.

One security engineer is enough to tackle vulnerability assessment of a small network (up to 50 IPs).

Vulnerability Assessment Sourcing Models

IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 list

In 2022 and 2023, ScienceSoft has been Included in the IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 list as one of the world’s best outsourcing service providers and advisors.

The Perks of Vulnerability Assessment by ScienceSoft

Precise assessment scoping

We analyze your request and study testing targets to define the optimal testing scope. We aim to save your resources by not going beyond the necessary scope.

A complete view of vulnerabilities

We detect maximum vulnerabilities in your network, but we don’t stop at that. We identify the criticality of the flaws and help you prioritize remediation activities.

Facilitated regulatory compliance 

We will provide you with a detailed roadmap to fixing security gaps to achieve compliance with HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, GDPR, GLBA, and other major security standards and regulations.

Beneficial long-term partnership

We value solid business relationships and are happy to offer flexible billing plans and favorable terms for repeat business.

Trusted Tools We Employ to Detect Network Vulnerabilities

Network vulnerability scanning implies the use of automated tools that examine network structure, endpoints, network devices, and services to identify weaknesses that may enable unauthorized access to the network.

During vulnerability assessment projects, ScienceSoft’s cybersecurity engineers often use the following tools. They provide high-quality reports and frequently update their vulnerability databases.

Network Vulnerability Assessment Costs

Pricing Information

Network vulnerability assessment pricing generally ranges from $5,000 to $15,000. Here, we highlight the essential cost factors:

  • The complexity of the network infrastructure.
  • Network size (the number of IPs, applications scanned, etc.).
  • Applied assessment method (automated scanning, manual assessment, or a combined approach).
  • Service provision model (one-time or long-term, as long-term relationships with a vendor may reduce subsequent costs).
  • The need for a follow-up penetration testing to investigate the potential impact of the detected vulnerabilities’ exploitation.

Need to estimate vulnerability assessment costs?

Get a quote

Note: In case of in-house network vulnerability assessment, additional costs also include vulnerability scanning tool licensing (usually charged as a subscription-based fee).

Common Questions About Network Security

What are the pillars of network security?

  • Full visibility of network components that enables their timely vulnerability management.
  • Strong network access controls.
  • Properly configured security tools: firewalls, antivirus, DLP, IPS, SIEM, and others.
  • Adherence of all network users to security rules and best practices.
  • Regular security checkups: vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.

What is the most vulnerable part of the network?

Mobile devices, such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets, especially those used by remote employees, are considered the major sources of network vulnerabilities: outdated software, weak passwords, misconfigured firewalls and other security tools, insecure connections, etc. With these devices, it is difficult to control if the necessary security measures, such as vulnerability patching or security updates, are applied consistently. In addition, mobile devices often get lost or stolen.

About ScienceSoft

About ScienceSoft

ScienceSoft is a global IT consulting and software development company headquartered in McKinney, TX. Since 2003, ScienceSoft provides vulnerability assessment and security testing services to help companies locate and mitigate network vulnerabilities and meet compliance requirements. Being ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certified, we rely on a mature quality management system and guarantee data security to our clients during cooperation.