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Business Intelligence and Analytics Services

· 35 years in data analytics

· 4,000 successful projects

· 1,200+ clients from 70+ countries

Business Intelligence Services | Business Analytics – ScienceSoft
Business Intelligence Services | Business Analytics – ScienceSoft

Business Intelligence and Business Analytics: the Essence

Business intelligence (BI) services allow organizations to consolidate business data into a single point of truth and get a 360-degree view of their operations and performance.

A dependable BI services provider, ScienceSoft delivers solutions covering all BI components, including data warehouse, data quality management, reporting, and business analytics.

Our BI solutions can bring value at all stages of business management: planning, performance monitoring, decision-making, and process optimization.

BI implementation costs: $80,000–$1,000,000 depending on solution complexity. Use our free calculator to get a custom quote.


See a Sample BI Solution Architecture to Learn How Such Software Works

Sample BI Architecture - ScienceSoft


ScienceSoft’s BI Solutions with Your Business Goals as Their Core

With a wide range of analytics software capabilities, ScienceSoft doesn’t believe in impressing customers by just packing software with fancy features. Instead, we make our solutions goal-oriented and ensure they bring value at every stage, including:

1. Planning

  • Trend analysis: identifying opportunities for a company’s business growth and challenges it is likely to face.
  • Forecasting and what-if scenario modeling: anticipating trends and outlining scenarios that guarantee success.
  • Plan analysis: identifying mismatches, bottlenecks or underutilized capacity in strategic and tactical planning, etc.

2. Plan execution and performance monitoring

  • Performance assessment: measuring business performance against relevant internal and external benchmarks.
  • Planned/actual performance comparison: comparing planned vs. actual performance to find deviations.
  • Root cause analysis: finding reasons for lower than planned performance.

3. Decision-making

  • Getting a comprehensive view of all corporate data with the slice-and-dice capability to examine data from different viewpoints (e.g., by time, organizational units, product categories, customer segments).
  • Highlighting growth opportunities and potential risks.
  • Drilling down and conducting correlation analysis to establish the cause-effect relationship between variables.
  • Conducting change impact analysis.

4. Optimization

Optimizing internal processes or operations by employing business analytics insights.


BI Demo - ScienceSoft

Check a Demo to See a BI Solution in Action

ScienceSoft offers you a demo of customized dashboards with drill-down capabilities that tell the whole story of a company’s performance.

Head of Data Analytics Department, ScienceSoft

Why are ready-made BI tools not enough to embrace all BI capabilities?

With a variety of out-of-the-box BI tools available on the market, the need for custom BI solutions is still high. Tailored to specific business needs, the latter offer unique visualization and analytics capabilities. As a result, custom BI solutions help our clients make the most of their data and drive high user adoption across the company.

What is more, such solutions are highly flexible. Be it an additional integration, a new industry regulation requirement, or the need for more advanced capabilities, any change can be achieved through consistent evolution rather than painful redevelopment.

BI Solutions Our Clients Benefit From

By Industry

  • Calculating healthcare business KPIs across the required directions, including treatment, health outcomes, financial management.
  • Trends and bottlenecks identification with root cause detection.
  • Predictive analytics to forecast treatment and financial outcomes, resource demand, and more.
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  • Calculating KPIs across the required business directions and monitoring stability indicators.
  • Insights into customer service management.
  • Identifying opportunities for up-selling and cross-selling.
  • Analyzing marketing campaigns efficiency.
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  • Calculations for borrower creditworthiness estimation and collateral evaluation.
  • Insights into the performance of lending teams.
  • Loan servicing analytics.
  • Insights into loan portfolio performance.
  • Support for the creation of loan pricing strategies.
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  • Monitoring business-area KPIs, including those for sales, customer, claim, and underwriting management.
  • Rule-based and ML-powered root cause detection.
  • Analyzing the performance of insurance agents.
  • Predictive analytics for insurance to forecast insurance events or metrics.
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  • Insights into factor exposure and asset allocation analysis.
  • Insights into financial management, investment managers’ performance, and other operational processes.
  • Analyzing underlying risks, including standard deviation calculation and assessment of risk-adjusted return.
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  • OEE analytics.
  • Insight into production management and quality control.
  • SCM analytics.
  • Predictive equipment maintenance.
  • Predictive analytics, e.g., forecasts of power consumption, supply material demand.
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Retail and ecommerce intelligence

  • Multidimensional customer segmentation.
  • Insights into customer behavior across online and offline channels.
  • Inventory demand forecasting for all channels and stores.
  • Assortment planning analytics.
  • Price elasticity analysis.
  • Supplier performance assessment.
  • Analytics for merchandising and marketing.
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Transportation & logistics intelligence

  • Insights for operational capacity planning and optimization.
  • Customer order management analytics.
  • Predictive fleet maintenance.
  • Predictive analytics to forecast fleet and labor utilization, customer demand.
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  • Property segmentation and comparison across the required parameters.
  • Visualizing location-specific data on maps.
  • Customer-property matching.
  • Insights into lease and property management
  • Real estate portfolio analytics.
  • Insights into construction management processes.
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  • Calculating the required KPIs for resource generation, distribution, and consumption.
  • Resource demand forecasting.
  • Predictive asset analytics.
  • Customer management insights.
  • Insights into managing DSM programs and DERs integration.
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Oil & gas intelligence

  • Predictions of estimated ultimate recovery and production rates.
  • Predictive asset maintenance.
  • Environmental impact analytics.
  • Analysis of refinery quality control.
  • SCM insights.
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Telecoms intelligence

  • Predicting network capacity.
  • Customer management insights to customize offerings and increase customer retention.
  • Detecting operational bottlenecks and providing root cause analysis.
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  • Analyzing students’ and teachers’ performance.
  • Insights into students' and parents' sentiment towards the provided services.
  • Resource demand and enrollment forecasts.
  • Financial management intelligence.
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  • Customer segmentation across multiple parameters.
  • Customer sentiment and satisfaction analysis.
  • Insights into the efficiency of financial management and staff performance.
  • Resource demand forecasts.
  • Industry peers benchmarking.
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Travel and hospitality

  • Insights into customer preferences, interactions, and feedback.
  • Analyzing service quality and employee performance.
  • Assessing the performance of loyalty programs, discounts, and promotions.
  • Predictive analytics, e.g., demand for services, flights, hotel rooms.
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  • Audience segmentation across the required parameters.
  • Customer preferences analytics.
  • Insights into content performance.
  • Forecasting content demand and popularity.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
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By Business Area

  • Keeping track of a company’s revenue, expenses and profitability.
  • Financial performance analysis.
  • Financial planning and budgeting.
  • Financial risk forecasting.
  • Creating a 360-degree customer view.
  • Customer behavior analytics and customer modeling.
  • Customer relationship management (personalized marketing, cross-selling and upselling, customer churn management, etc.).

HR intelligence

  • Employee performance monitoring and analysis.
  • Workforce planning.
  • Employee churn prediction and management.
  • Employee recruiting analysis.

Brand and product intelligence

  • Insights into product/service profitability.
  • Marketing campaigns and loyalty programs analytics.
  • Analyzing brand portfolio and brand awareness.
  • Competitor benchmarking analysis
  • Supply chain performance monitoring.
  • Customer demand forecasting.
  • Insights into demand/supply balancing.
  • Analyzing supply chain risks.

Embrace BI Capabilities with ScienceSoft

With a tailored BI solution or BI as a service, you can:

  • Eliminate manual work out of your business processes.
  • Improve operational efficiency and enhance customer experience.
  • Uncover trends and identify new profit opportunities with the help of trustworthy data.
Share my needs

We Turn Your Data into Informative and Engaging BI Visuals

Symbol map

Symbol maps

Line chart

Line charts

Bar chart

Bar charts

Pie chart

Pie charts

Donut chart

Donut charts

Heat map

Heat maps

Funnel chart

Funnel charts

Connectivity chart

Connectivity charts







Pivot table

Pivot tables

Gauge chart

Gauge charts

Waterfall chart

Waterfall charts

Card chart

Card charts

Custom chart

Custom charts, etc.

Highlights of ScienceSoft’s BI Portfolio

ScienceSoft – We Can Satisfy Any BI Needs

BI consulting

BI advisory services to guide you through the BI implementation or optimization process.

  • Reviewing the existing data management practices.
  • Elaborating on the BI implementation or improvement roadmap.
  • BI solution conceptualization, architecture design and tech selection.
  • Data governance setup.
  • Supervision of BI solution cloud migration.
  • User adoption strategy, etc.
Go for consulting

BI implementation

ScienceSoft delivers a full-scale BI solution tailored to your business needs by:

  • Conducting BI needs analysis.
  • Conceptualizing the BI solution and designing its architecture.
  • Setting up data governance (data quality management, data security, master and metadata management, etc.)
  • Developing the BI solution components (a data lake, DWH, OLAP cubes, reports and dashboards).
  • Adding data science capabilities, if necessary.
  • BI solution quality assurance.
  • Data migration, if necessary.
  • User training.
  • BI solution support and evolution.
Go for implementation

BI as a service

ScienceSoft provides a fully configured BI platform backed up by AWS and Azure for in-cloud business analysis on a subscription fee basis:

  • Infrastructure deployment and management by ScienceSoft.
  • Fast access to intelligence insights (first reports and dashboards are available within 1-5 days).
  • Predictable consumption-based pricing.
Go for data analytics as a service

BI support and evolution

ScienceSoft helps businesses meet the newly arisen BI needs and optimize BI costs and performance by offering:

  • Development support.
  • Troubleshooting on the code level (e.g., rewriting a faulty ETL process).
  • Evolution (adding new data sources, creating new reports, etc.).
  • Administration support (updating software, adding new users, handling permissions, administering data).
  • Power BI support services.
Go for support and evolution

The Benefits of ScienceSoft’s BI Services

With an in-house PMO and established project management practices, ScienceSoft's #1 priority is to achieve project goals regardless of time and budget constraints, as well as changing requirements.

Strict budget and deadlines control

With thorough planning, accurate estimates, and mature project management, we avoid overspending and deliver the solution on time.

Multi-industry expertise

Having implemented software for 30+ diverse industries, we know how to build tailored solutions that fit domain-specific analytics needs and processes.

Cost-efficiency focus

With our best practices in Agile development, well-established DevOps culture, and a broad tech stack, we know how to optimize costs without compromising quality.

Prompt MVP delivery

A BI solution MVP allows our clients to start reaping the benefits fast and gathering user feedback long before the release of a full-featured solution.

35 years in AI

We bring decades of experience in AI/ML to build models of any complexity and ensure highly accurate predictions.

Quality-first approach

We rely on ISO 9001- and ISO 27001-certified quality and security management systems.

ScienceSoft USA Corporation Is a 3-Year Champion in the Financial Times Rating

Three years in a row (2022–2024), the Financial Times has included ScienceSoft USA Corporation in the list of 500 fastest-growing American companies. This is the result of our dedication to driving project success despite any constraints and disruptions.

Happy Customers Is What Inspires Us to Strive for Perfection

When we first contacted ScienceSoft, we needed expert advice on the creation of the centralized analytical solution to achieve company-wide transparent analytics. ScienceSoft’s team members proved to be extremely flexible and responsive. They stayed in daily contact with us, which allowed us to adjust the scope of works promptly and implement new requirements on the fly. Additionally, the team delivered demos every other week so that we could be sure that the invoicing system aligned with our business needs.

We commissioned ScienceSoft to build a flexible database with user interfaces for uploading and exporting data to access and manage our test data stored as time-based CSV files. Within 8 months from the start of the project, ScienceSoft’s team implemented a fully functioning database solution. ScienceSoft’s experts promptly reacted to new solution requirements that appeared during the project without stalling its progress.

bioAffinity Technologies hired ScienceSoft to help in the development of its automated data analysis software for detection of lung cancer using flow cytometry. Our project required coordination with multiple companies and individuals. ScienceSoft worked well with everyone. They are reliable, thorough, smart, available, extremely good communicators and very friendly.

Components and Processes That Our Data Analytics Solutions Cover

ETL\ELT processes

Extracting data from diverse data sources, transforming it into a predefined format and loading it into a storage destination.

Data lakes

Storing any type of data, including big data.

Data warehouse

Centralized storing of structured data for reporting and analysis.

OLAP cubes

Structuring data in a multidimensional format for rapid self-service data analysis.

Data reporting and visualization

Making analytics results digestible with immersive reports and interactive dashboards.

Data quality management

Identifying and eliminating data anomalies via data profiling, cleansing, validation, etc.

Data security

Ensuring data is stored, transformed and exploited in a secure way.

Data science

Advanced analytics with data mining, big data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Technologies ScienceSoft Works With

How Much Does It Cost to Implement a BI Solution with ScienceSoft?

The costs of BI implementation may range from $80,000 to $1,000,000, depending on the solution’s complexity. The major cost-defining factors include but are not limited to the number of users and data sources, data volume, the complexity of data cleansing procedures, reports and analytics, the presence and number of ML algorithms.

Get a Cost Estimate for Business Intelligence Implementation

Please answer a few questions about your business needs to help our experts estimate your service cost quicker.


*What is your industry sector?

*What kind of BI do you need to cover?

*What is your current data volume?


If you don’t know the data size in TB, describe it as the number of data records: e.g., orders, payments, cases, customer interactions, sensor readings.

*What data volume growth do you expect during the next 12 months?

How many users will use the BI solution?

*What is the share of users who will use your BI solution daily?


Different user groups may have different use frequencies. If you know these details, please provide them below.

Please specify the data sources for your BI solution.

*Should your BI solution offer complex analytics?

*How promptly should changes in source data be reflected in your BI solution?

*Do you have any preferences for the environment?

*Do you have any tech stack preferences, incl. cloud platforms?

*Do you have any requirements for data visualization?


E.g., specialized self-service dashboards for different user roles, non-standard charts, accessible design.

*Do BI insights need to be fed into any other software?

*Do you already have a legacy analytics solution you want to migrate data from?

*Are there any compliance requirements for your BI solution? Check all that apply.

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ScienceSoft's experts will study your case and get back to you with the details within 24 hours.

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