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Web Portals Blog

Persuasive B2B Web Design – Earn Trust as a Credible Partner from the First Buying Experience
Web Portals, UI and UX Design

Persuasive B2B Web Design – Earn Trust as a Credible Partner from the First Buying Experience

The team of ecommerce web developers from ScienceSoft shares best practices in B2B website design. Stay aware of what your clients expect from B2B sales!
How Modern Tools for Vendor Management Can Supercharge Your Business
Web Portals

How Modern Tools for Vendor Management Can Supercharge Your Business

Explore how digital tools can help to transform the vendor management process at each stage of your cooperation – from search and initial assessment to daily operations and future cooperation planning.
 The Missing Element of Perfect Supply: Where eProcurement Takes Us
Web Portals

The Missing Element of Perfect Supply: Where eProcurement Takes Us

Why more and more companies get enthusiastic about entering eprocurement? Find out the gains of a procurement portal sliced and diced.
B2B customer portal: competitiveness through customer experience
Web Portals

B2B customer portal: competitiveness through customer experience

CX is more and more often called the most significant aspect of any business. We discover the key features of B2B customer portals that can greatly contribute to CX improvement.
How to get the most of your B2B Vendor portal
Web Portals, CIO Blog

How to get the most of your B2B Vendor portal

We find out how to make a B2B Vendor portal really streamline the business processes for the buyer and contribute to the supplier’s trust and loyalty.
Salesforce Customer Portal vs. Communities: You Must Know It
Salesforce, Web Portals

Salesforce Customer Portal vs. Communities: You Must Know It

Let’s try to understand Salesforce Communities and its connection with Customer, Self-service and Partner Portals.
A starter guide to developing a successful B2B trade portal
Web Portals

A starter guide to developing a successful B2B trade portal

We’re discovering five important dos and three absolute don’ts about developing a successful B2B trade portal.
How to use gamification in banking to engage customers and employees
CRM, Mobile App Development, Web Portals

How to use gamification in banking to engage customers and employees

Gamification can become a valuable tool to engage customers and keep banking CRM up-to-date.
How to engage channel partners with a portal?
Web Portals

How to engage channel partners with a portal?

Find out how to engage partners through a portal by turning it into their everyday tool that is interactive, convenient and valuable.