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Data Analytics Blog

Welcome to our Data Analytics blog intended for CIOs, IT managers and analysts!

Stay tuned to find the articles that are supported by our experience in data analytics services. Here, you will find a wide variety of topics in data analysis: predictive, prescriptive analytics and machine learning are just a few examples. You shouldn’t be code-savvy, as our blog is business-oriented.

Sales Metrics Analysis – Your Key to Improved Sales Performance
Data Analytics, Business Intelligence

Sales Metrics Analysis – Your Key to Improved Sales Performance

ScienceSoft shares how sales metrics analysis helps you evaluate your team’s performance and drive sales productivity.
Self-Service Analytics: When Data ‘Speaks’ to Business Users
Data Analytics

Self-Service Analytics: When Data ‘Speaks’ to Business Users

ScienceSoft shares how self-service analytics adoption can take your data analytics maturity to the next level.
Power BI: Major Pros and Cons to Consider
Data Analytics, Business Intelligence

Power BI: Major Pros and Cons to Consider

Check whether the Power BI suite is the right solution for your business intelligence project by exploring ScienceSoft’s list of major Power BI advantages and disadvantages.
5 Advantages That Make You Say “Yes” to Microsoft Power BI
Data Analytics, Business Intelligence

5 Advantages That Make You Say “Yes” to Microsoft Power BI

ScienceSoft shares substantial Power BI benefits to show why a company should consider Power BI when developing its business intelligence solution.
3 Use Cases of How Big Data Analytics Makes the Energy Industry Smart
Data Analytics, Big Data

3 Use Cases of How Big Data Analytics Makes the Energy Industry Smart

Have a look at what smart grids powered by big data analytics have to offer for next-level maintenance, power quality monitoring and load management in the energy industry.
Data Warehouse Pricing: Things To Be Aware Of
Data Analytics

Data Warehouse Pricing: Things To Be Aware Of

ScienceSoft provides expertise on the components of data warehouse pricing and the ranges of DWH costs.
Data Lake Vs. Data Warehouse: Why You Don’t Have To Choose
Data Analytics, Big Data

Data Lake Vs. Data Warehouse: Why You Don’t Have To Choose

Learn about the difference between a data lake and a data warehouse, and define how to structure your big data solution in accordance with your business needs.
A Big Data Warehouse – a Want or a Need?
Data Analytics, Big Data

A Big Data Warehouse – a Want or a Need?

Find out what a big data warehouse is and what benefits it brings to the decision-making process.
How To Benefit from Big Data Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry?
Data Analytics, Big Data

How To Benefit from Big Data Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry?

Get an insight into the big data potential in the oil and gas industry and see how to drive profit by using predictive analytics.