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ScienceSoft to sponsor Qt World Summit 2015 Event in Berlin in October

ScienceSoft to sponsor Qt World Summit 2015 Event in Berlin in October


With all the opportunities that Qt presents it's hard to imagine the extent to which its technologies can change our understanding of application and device creation. But luckily that's exactly what Qt World Summit 2015 Event is going to be about, and ScienceSoft, being Qt Event official sponsor, definitely doesn't want to miss the chance to learn everything firsthand.

Used in over 70 industries to power millions of applications and devices, Qt is today’s #1 cross-platform framework. Not only it allows to develop native-looking applications for desktop operating systems like Linux, OS X and Windows with the help of a single codebase, but it also supports application development for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and other mobile platforms. Qt enables convenient work with multiple C++ libraries and offers a nice and user-friendly GUI.

Having 26 years of C++ experience behind its back, ScienceSoft has been willingly implementing the great capabilities of Qt into its work for a long time already. We provide Qt based UI and application development, software porting and maintenance, consulting and other Qt services. Today ScienceSoft has more than 25 Qt developers on board and has successfully completed over 50 Qt projects.

Thanks to Qt we’ve been able to deliver Viber Desktop – extension of the popular mobile application with 600+ mln users. Our Qt based image-processing application received a Best Imaging Application-award from a prestigious photographer’s association and “Stop Procrastinating” app – a website blocker that ensures its user’s productivity – was featured in articles of The Daily Telegraph, Huffington Post and The Independent.  

Owing so much of its success to Qt, ScienceSoft is proud to be one of the official sponsors at Qt World Summit 2015 Event. We will be glad to see you in Berlin on 5-7 October. Feel free to contact Vlada Varabyova at vvarabyova@scnsoft.com for more details.