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UX and UI for Medical Rehabilitation Software to Gain Investors

UX and UI for Medical Rehabilitation Software to Gain Investors

Healthcare, Software products


The Customer is a US healthcare software product startup.


The Customer had a concept of B2B/B2C physical rehabilitation software for patients, therapists, and physicians. To attract investors and bring the full concept to life, they needed to demonstrate a sophisticated product demo first. They decided to develop a minimum viable product consisting of a patient mobile app and a physician’s web app.

The Customer was convinced that UX and UI will play a crucial role in impressing investors. Therefore, they required the services of a design vendor, who would be ready to provide top-notch UX and UI design.


ScienceSoft performed the full cycle of UX and UI design for both apps over the course of 2 months.

The UX prototypes were created in under 2 weeks. To correctly reflect all user needs and goals, our UX designer relied on ScienceSoft’s rich experience in the design and development of medical apps as well as on fresh data gained after questioning the target audience: US physicians and rehab patients. Once the prototypes were tested and approved by the Customer, they were handed over to the UI design team.

Since the Customer believed the interface to be the key point of their future MVP, they had very strict and high standards to the UI implementation. Prior to the UI design phase launch, the Customer shared their corporate brand book and design examples of competitors’ apps designed in the minimalistic style, which the customer wanted to see in their future app too.

At the very start of the cooperation, the Customer intended to hold frequent review sessions and meticulously adjust the UI quality of every screen. However, ScienceSoft’s UI team managed to quickly capture the Customer’s vision of the application interface and always delivered screens that only required minor adjustments upon review.

picture 4

Picture 1: Patient App View

Picture 2: Doctor App View

picture 3


The Customer appreciated ScienceSoft’s professional approach and decided to hire them to implement the software MVP itself.

Technologies and Tools

Jacob Nielsen design heuristics, Sketch, Zeplin, InVision, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop.

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