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Mobile and Web Farming Apps for a 70-Year-Old Agrochemical Solution Producer

Mobile and Web Farming Apps for a 70-Year-Old Agrochemical Solution Producer

Agriculture, Software products
Mobile, Xamarin, PHP, C#


The Customer is a global producer of agrochemical and crop protection solutions with 21 production sites worldwide and over 70 years of active presence on the market.


Intending to simplify agronomists’ work in the field, the Customer turned to ScienceSoft for mobile app development services. They wanted a mobile farming app that would store information on hundreds of crop diseases and help inspecting researchers easily identify them on-site. Also, the Customer requested to develop a web solution and integrate it with the enterprise mobile app, so that agronomists could go online and discuss their work issues with academics.


Within two months, ScienceSoft successfully implemented both solutions:

Mobile app

The mobile solution was developed on Xamarin and delivered to both iOS and Android. It is an offline-enabled reference tool for agronomy specialists to use while inspecting crops. The farming app offers detailed information on various crops along with disease symptom descriptions and illustrations.

mobile farming app

Moreover, agronomists can ask their colleagues for help by publishing questions on certain symptoms or ways to deal with a disease. A login module was implemented to limit the access to internal resources: only those approved by the administrator can use the app.

Web App

In case an agronomist needs more information to address their problem, they can go online and get in touch with academics. Based on OroPlatform, the web app offers to choose a person from its database of experts and enables easy two-way communication.


Satisfied with the both farming mobile app and web app development results, the Customer now uses the solutions internally and looks forward to improvement in their employees’ work efficiency.

Technologies and Tools

Mobile: Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Autofac, FFImageLoading, Keychain for iOS, Keystore for Android, JSON.NET, ModernHttpClient, Refit, WSSE Auth

Web: PHP 7, OroPlatform, Symfony 3, Doctrine, Composer, MySQL, git, Docker.

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