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Max Eliseev

My goal is to enable ScienceSoft’s steady operation and sustainable growth in Europe.
CEO Europe,

More than a decade ago, Max first entered IT as a QA engineer. Over the years, he seized every opportunity for professional growth and progressed through the positions of Deputy Business Development Director, Deputy Presales Director, and finally Presales Director at ScienceSoft.

As a Presales Director, Max demonstrated excellent skills in team management, cross-department process supervision, and collaborative problem-solving. So, when ScienceSoft decided to strengthen its European presence and opened several new offices there in 2020, Max became the CEO of ScienceSoft Europe.

Max oversaw all legal and operational procedures related to the launch of ScienceSoft’s offices in Poland, Latvia, and Lithuania. In only a few years, these locations have become vital to ScienceSoft’s global operations, and now Max focuses on mid-term and long-term strategies for ScienceSoft’s development in the region. He builds lasting relationships with our clients and partners across Europe, discovers new growth opportunities, and ensures a steady supply of highly competent specialists by fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development in our EU offices.

Max is a very people-first CEO. He dedicates significant effort to nurturing a healthy work environment and team building, as he firmly believes that an inspired and close-knit team represents the most valuable investment for a CEO.

Being geographically close to our European clients matters a lot, even with all the remote options these days. Having local offices gives us the much-needed flexibility to visit our clients on-site, analyze their IT environments and business processes, install hardware, and guarantee that we fully meet all their security requirements. It's all about being there when they need us most. 

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